Board in Schenectady

Has anyone tryed Board in Schenectady? Her pics are hot. She has been on STG for a while. I am getting ready to pull the trigger and take one for the team. Although you never know what you will get in Schenectady.

Thanks in advance!
I have been eyeing her for a while myself, but have been reluctant for the same reasons. If you do TOFTT, please let us know how it went - good or bad!
I've seen her. She acts bored and hygiene was an issue. Bad attitude for someone who advertises so much. I guess these girls still make money with no repeat business, although she claims to have a bunch of regulars.
Well that’s disappointing. But I guess it’s typical for Schenectady. thanks for the Intel very much appreciated.
Hygiene was good when I saw her both times, so it might be a ymmv. I ate her pussy and I could feel it tighten around my finger every time I put my mouth back on her. If she lost her mojo then it’s a shame.
Hard to believe it's the same girl. My experience was less than a year ago. She was not fresh early in the day
Hard to believe it's the same girl. My experience was less than a year ago. She was not fresh early in the day Originally Posted by Chuck353
I’m sure it’s the same girl. I should have clarified...I saw her in the winter of 2017, so 3 years ago. A lot has changed since’s a shame she went down hill.