Early Morning Plan B (or C,D)?

Arandomniceguy's Avatar
A mod suggested I ask my question here. My problem is basically that I do have to hide my hobby from a SO who is working home too. I basically only have early mornings before she's up (like 7am) and I've been trying to make it work but this is how it usually works:

I setup an appointment to coincide with my excuse to be out but when the time comes, my provider is asleep (or otherwise not available) and meeting doesn't happen. I make some attempts to setup something last minute but at that hour it doesnt appear to be realistic to expect anything (seems even too early for 347). I noticed some ads on STG with just email addresses - I've assumed these are all fakes/scams. Then I noticed some numbers will text back very quickly but with kinda generic responses, full of characters with umlauts, accents (such as å,ö,ù). I'm using a Google Voice on an iPhone. Not sure if this is right, but it seems like messages with these characters appear to be some sort of bot - or automated program - responding, so not a real option.

I think that I'll be in this pattern until I A: find a suitable provider (slender) that can actually do an early morning incall if such a one exists here or B: The economy opens up some more and wifu goes back to working away from home during the day. Now it appears her job isnt opening up till late September at the earliest - and there is no guarantee they will reopen.

Am I doing it wrong, or just not checking the right listings or is it basically down to A or B? Anyone have any advice for me?
Getting someone reliable for early morning...thats tough.... last minute crap shoot at that time of morning....is usually someone with a problem other than caffeine... There are a few reliable woman...but text them...set it up in advance...let them know ur time constraints and how punctuality would most likely = regularly meetings. Im sure in these times a new regular would be welcome.
In normal times, there were a handful of providers who would advertise that they are up n available early, as the "before work" market was definitely a thing. Obviously tougher now, n you dont want to count on a girl who just stays up all nite partying n such. So, might want to look to see if any particular providers are advertising on a regular basis early morn n hopefully find one that is real n then do what previous poster said.
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Thanks @afterdark1971, that is my plan A. I just haven't found that provider yet. I have tried, setup one even last Wed and she wasn't available when the time came. She said trouble with phone, but I can understand it's crazy early - mind might even be willing but the body's got to be into it too. Come 6 or 7am, some folks are going say "I just need to sleep". I would love to find a regular for this early time but its just not going to be easy.
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@Tomb8871, I thought it would be easier because I too remember there were early morning posters who appeared to cater to the early morning risers. I have been looking at who posts early in the morning but I suspect that the ad post times are somewhat not real. Like there are 3 - 4:30am posts. The girls who posted at 6 or 7am generally looked like bots but maybe Im thinking real girls are bots or scams when they aint? Like the auto-responders with the strange characters - maybe they are real providers that just have an auto-response message? Also one chick wanted me to pay a deposit of $30 - which isn't a ton, but it made me think she was a scammer. Now a few weeks later I have seen real looking ads (well at least one anyway) saying first time outcalls would need to pay a deposit, non-negotiable. So now Im not sure that the deposit thing is necessarily a sign of a scammer. I guess I could try it then share intel here if it ends up being a scam.

What do we think of these deposit providers?
1-girls dont have to be awake at time post shows up. There is option to pre-schedule multiple ads.

2-never, ever, ever, ever pay deposit ahead of time. Quicker n easier to just burn the money in an ashtray.
Find a hobby that you can do alone such as take up fishing.buy some cheap equipment and use that free time to go see a provider. First few times out just say you didn't catch anything. Then after some time I'm sure we can get you real photos. If you have that kinda free time. Even get a license from Walmart for $25 .she may buy it.
Just don't tell her you are out fishing if your tackle box is at home!
Try sinful sin. She's on STG all the time and she used to advertise early dates as a draw. Hammer.
Don’t you have to visit the doctor? And then as a follow up, wont you need some lab tests? Some pain in your elbow, maybe? Hey how about your brakes making a funny noise...and you need to take it in for an estimate? Gotta be some good solid reasons to get you out of the house during better hours.
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excellent ideas Snood273!
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Thanks for the tip Hammer! Not sure I can be with a girl that size though. I do have a type and generally attracted to women under 130/140lb. It would open up my possibilities if I could get over that though. I may have to explore that someday.

Try sinful sin. She's on STG all the time and she used to advertise early dates as a draw. Hammer. Originally Posted by hammer50
Sin is build like a brick shit house......no she will never be on the cover any magazine.....but she will blow and fuck your brains out!!
I guess I'm superficial I need the looks... not the hobby to go for looks I know...thats why im on the sideline... even Skye in troy has a banging body but that face kills it...she would of been smoking hot if she never gotten in this business or what pulled her here but she still is 90 percent better than anything Albany offers lol... I mean just what im saying is I rather fuck a person one time or second time I rather have the looks then be a good fuck...
Yes I agree Skye could have had magazine cover looks if she didn't fall down the rabbit hole.........but then again she wouldn't be spreading her legs for 300..........it would be 1000+