best at giving refs?

this one's for the ladies. Which of your sisters is the easiest for you to get a reference from? Feel free to name more than one. I know VL must be near the top of the list (thanks!!) and I'm guessing MsKristine must also be top-notch (also thanks!!).

When you read a guy's references what names do you look forward to seeing as you know it will be easy to get the scoop on that guy who just PM'd you?

Just curious!

I am always very fast at getting back to a lady who is trying set up an appt. Maxeen has always been fast at getting back to me and yes VL as well.
78704's Avatar
  • 78704
  • 09-10-2010, 09:07 PM
no disrespect to anyone and i know you said this one is for the ladies,
but i know on more than one occasion someone got back to me quick and told me VL VOUCHED FOR YOU. i say VL.

im not in austin, but in san have to say
sonya, likinikki, ch@rlie, badazzvanessa, sunny, angelina adams, ...
might be a couple others. but those come to mind first.
Britttany_love's Avatar
Mine are VL, Sexy Roxanne, Shannon Shane, Marley and a few more that i cant think of off the top of my head
I've found that most all of the providers I've contacted have been very helpful and reasonably quick with their responses. I try to do the same when I get a request, and I actually like having the chance to interact...nice girls around here.

TaylorMaiden29's Avatar
Roxanne is the absolute best. I can get a guy screened and in session within 15 minutes if he gives her as a reference. She is the absolute best ever at giving references. Did I say the best ever????? The best ever. EVER.

And then there is Natalie Reign, Sensual Sophia, Ella, Tess, Wicked Heather (and deserves a huge thank you. Muahhhh), Sultry Mia, Valerie (haven't seen her around lately), Britney Bangs, Kat, Alisha. I know there are a lot more I've missed and I apologize in advance and hope someone else mentions you.

Now, why do you want to know? I muse that maybe you are attracted to ladies who are sweethearts even when no-one is looking?
ahh yes! forgot marley & natalie reign!
Awww, you ladies are too sweet!

I hesitate to list anyone, because I know I'll miss someone and feel guilty, but...

Sensual Sophia
Sophie Bella
Taylor Maiden
Brittany Bangs
Topshelf Tess
Maxeen Monroe
Ella in Austin
Stormy Stone
Maggie Sinead
Marley Monroe
Shannon Shane

... damn, I know I'm missing some ladies that do offer references, but I know these women are always prompt, detailed and exceptionally courteous when responding to reference check requests.
Hello coste.
You and other interested parties may also want to check out this previous thread on the subject. Good luck.
For the ladies who replied with their lists, thanks much. I suspect that a gal who replies to a thread like this probably is also good at giving refs.

78704 - P411 is a great idea but it's not for everyone.

Taylor - as for my motives, you saw right through me! Regardless of how 'bad' I like girls BCD, I tend to like them nice the rest of the time. ;-)

KSoze - thanks...i will definitely bookmark that thread as well!!
Why thank you Taylor! Love ya!
VictoriaLyn's Avatar
Thanks for the mentions evryone..I always try to be super fast with getting back with the refs....

I love the Austin ladies when it comes to getting refs I have never had a problem with anyone getting back to me..I would hate to list them off because i would hate to forget someone....but you ladies know who you are so THANKYOU
Sarahsmiles's Avatar
Well, I like to think that I am pretty fast to reply as well because there's nothing like needing a last minute appt and just waiting for a reference. So, I try to do my part. I really don't have many problems but when I need to reach the following ladies, I KNOW that I will get a fast reply:

Vikki Lynn!!
Marley Monroe
Taylor Maiden
Sensual Sophia
Sexy Roxanne
Britney Bangs
Maxeen Monroe
Crystal Kitty
Alisha 1972
Sultry Mia
Stormy Stone (my girl!)

It is LITERALLY putting my own safety and freedom in the hands of someone that I may have never met but know thru this board and have come to respect and trust. I haven't really thought about it that way but I literally trust and have no worries when one of these ladies gives the's weird but also a relief. Really...I think that most of us do a GREAT job at helping each other out. And to brag even more, most of my fellow providers even go as far to share any pertinent info that may be helpful to know in advance about the client. It is information that comes in handy and helps each other know what to expect but also likes/dislikes of the clients that helps the ladies make sure that you have fun! I feel thankful for how easy it is to work together as there are some kick ass ladies on here. I know I missed so many so if you feel left out like I you're great, you already know it!