Whoppie Fat Ass and Judge Jennie

Hotrod511's Avatar
I see where Judge Jennie was invited on the view and her and fat ass Whoppie squared off it will be on Hannity tonight I guess Whoppie fat ass turned on the Liberal hate should be interesting
gfejunkie's Avatar

Not hysterical, eh? Is that why Whoopi(cushion) Fatass Goldberg told the judge to "get the fuck out"?

I see where Judge Jennie was invited on the view and her and fat ass Whoppie squared off it will be on Hannity tonight I guess Whoppie fat ass turned on the Liberal hate should be interesting Originally Posted by Hotrod511
Yes and she (Whoopie) did not end her vile and nefarious attitude on the view (purposefully no capitol letters). Used to really think Whoopie could be a decent human being have a debate, (she did with Bill O'Reilly a number of years ago) guess I wrong.

gfejunkie's Avatar
Once an oinker always an oinker...
LexusLover's Avatar
Used to really think Whoopie could be a decent human being have a debate, .... Originally Posted by Cherie
"Gold"berg is a piece of trash....she never was funny and for years now she's been showing how stupidly ignorant she is ...

her severe decline began when she grabbed her crotch while talking about President Bush II. She's a Classless POS. One must have respect for themselves before they can respect others. When she gets up in the morning and looks in the mirror ... that's the best she's got all day!