Bla bla bla
How about the Obama Administration's use of drones to kill anyone it wanted including U.S. citizens?
And prosecuting whistleblowers and dissidents for mishandling confidential information, kind of like what the DOJ is trying to do to Donald Trump now?
Refusing to investigate and prosecute crimes of torture?
Violating the War Powers Resolution by overthrowing Qaddafi without the approval of Congress?
Conducting Operation Fast and Furious?
Failing to investigate the IRS's political targeting by Lois Lerner, who was egged on by Democratic Senators and President Obama?
Engaging in collusive lawsuits with advocacy groups to implement regulations without going through the normal legislative or administrative course?
How about Biden's campaign promises to strand hundreds of billions invested in assets by oil and gas companies in federal onshore and offshore leases with a stroke of his pen?
Or the current proposals to effectively do the same to natural gas and coal power plants, fields and mines through EPA regulations?
Despite all this, the USA thankfully is pretty high up there in the "rule of law" category. It's the second most important reason we're the most prosperous large country in the world. The most important, as you know, is that we leave more money in the hands of the people and businesses, instead of channeling it to an inefficient and wasteful federal government.