A weekly arrangement

Gway8899's Avatar
It'll be nice to find a real cool companion a lady I can see weekly in my area who won't get tired of my service in any way that can accommodate my sexual needs no matter what it is this hobby can take a toll on you when you've been in it awhile so finding a weekly companion would be great and of course we can take breaks here and there if it's communicated between each other so there's no kind of worries or anything like that
Gway8899's Avatar
I'm looking for a weekly arrangement with a lady with a nice personality and cool easy to talk to that's grown and mature no games looks race and age doesn't matter really my price range can vary from 250-300 weekly maybe more if things is really good must be on my side of town which is westchase district I'm hesitant about traveling far sometimes with everything going on with me being black so the shorter the drive the better for me as far as skills set must be a kisser and like it and can give a toe curling bbbj anything else we can discuss through pm here or by text
O'Mike's Avatar
With that budget, you might consider a sugar baby type arrangement, and search that area of the forum.
ICU 812's Avatar
O Mike is right.

With that budget your options are a co-ed working her way through school or a thirty-something single mom.

Get premium access and go to the Sugar Baby forum for tutoring.

There will be games . . .and drama. Sorry.

Another option might be to drop back to once every two weeks and go the indy rout. Eventually you will find two or three favorite/regulars. There willbe no games or drama this way.
Gway8899's Avatar
Thanks for the advice .
my side of town which is westchase district I'm hesitant about traveling far sometimes with everything going on with me being black so the shorter the drive the better Originally Posted by Gway8899
For some of us not in the know. What is it about been black and traveling far from Westchase? Asking for a friend.
ICU 812's Avatar

I cannot speak to your anxiety about traveling.

However, in the context of this Board, Forum and thread, I would point out that many providers will do in-call appointments to your resdidence or to a near-by hotel.
Gway8899's Avatar
Gway8899's Avatar
I just like to stay close by where I live because it's not safe being black these days
TryWeakly's Avatar

.. just sayin.......
boardman's Avatar
4PawgLovers's Avatar
Oh crap... I found the thread informative until it went to.........
Check with your favorite provider. I have found many providers are willing to take a lump sum each month if your willing to take off times.

For the past year I pay $600 for a weekly scheduled day and time with a provider. Something I cant make it, but I still give her the same $$$ and the beginning of the month. If she can't make it, she makes it up to me with a different day or time.
VitaMan's Avatar
Westchase district is full of providers, one of the most active
ICU 812's Avatar
gain: Regardless of the source of your anxiety . . . .

Look for providers that will do in-call sessions, either to your residence or a hotel you are comfortable traveling to. I would be thinking about traveling (locally) by Taxi or Uber.

I do not drive due to a disability. I have done extensive traveling via bus around Houston. On many trips, I am the only person of central European heritage. None of my fello travelers seem anxious about taking the bus in the West Chase area.

I mean to write this without condescension sarcasm or mockery.