What do you all think?

Miss_Mya's Avatar
I have been looking at the other forums on this site and I have seen some interesting post. I know that it is pretty much accepted that anytime a VP makes a post it is considered an ad which I can understand and agree with, but what about the VPs that post something about updated pictures in their showcase? I mean I do not have a problem with it but I was curious as to what everyone else thought. Is it ok for a provider to create a post about having new pics? What do you all think?
jan-w's Avatar
  • jan-w
  • 06-29-2011, 04:30 PM
Well Miss Mya, is this a way to plug your new showcase photos? It doesn't matter to me. I like looking at new pictures. I like your new avatar BTW.
How else are we going to find out? You could place an ad I guess but a comment in the coed works for me.
Miss_Mya's Avatar
I think people know me well enough that I would just come out a say it but I am curious to see what people think about it. I would like to tell everyone when I post new pics but was always unsure of the reaction to that type of thread. Thanks about the new avatar.
Kaboom's Avatar
I think if it's one post saying you have new pics it's fine, just no going over board and mentioning it in every thread you reply in for the next two weeks.

And of course I have to say those are some damn fine pictures Miss Mya, never knew you had those tattoos.
Seems okay to me; I like looking at new pictures.
I suggest that board policy should be the guiding factor. Any moderator should be able to answer that question.