To Wax or not To Wax

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Found this link on the national board. Pretty interesting take on pubic hair.

So ladies, bush or no bush, and why?

I wax. Why? Because I hate hair. I don't want to cough up a hairball, so I'm assuming the guys I'm with don't want to either.

Thanks for reminding me, I have an appt. tomorrow. lol
Rather than using wax, a painless method is to use a cream.
SoftSheen-Carson New Magic Razorless Cream Shave, either Regular or Smooth, both work well.
Just make sure that it does not get to any entrance or exit!
So, I've been a fan of the Brazilian the past few years, just like anybody. But I recently ran into a soft, delicate little bush...I have to say - it was nice!
ScubaBad's Avatar
I definately prefer a V or landing strip. Something so sexy about it.
KCQuestor's Avatar
Rather than using wax, a painless method is to use a cream.
SoftSheen-Carson New Magic Razorless Cream Shave, either Regular or Smooth, both work well.
Just make sure that it does not get to any entrance or exit! Originally Posted by Playbuddy38
I've been promoting this stuff for years, on ASPD and here. LOL, I even gave away a bunch as gifts at a Christmas party a couple of years ago.

It works great, is cheap, and is super easy to use.
JRLawrence's Avatar
A "merkin" is a public wig that was worn after the pubic area was shaved. The practice followed the saving of the pubic area to remove lice before the better medical treatment that we have today. (DDT was still manufactured and used for this purpose until the last few years, and may still be. I am not up to date on DDT production, or the recent treatment of lice and mites.)

Anyway, I would recommend a very funny movie where the term merkin is slipped into the script. Most people missed it because they had never heard the term. Calling the President a merkin was really funny.

In the movie Dr. Strangelove, or How I learned to Stop Worrying And Love The Bomb". The US President was Merkin Muffley ("muff" is slang for the female publc area) played by Peter Sellers, who played three emasculated characters. These characters are offset by the hypermasculine men, such as the bomber pilot Major TJ "King" Kong, who does his job well, but is incapable of independent thought.

I though the term merkin and the discussion on waxing tied together with a little humor.

[...] DDT was still manufactured and used for this purpose until the last few years, and may still be [...] Originally Posted by JRLawrence
Wow - caught in a bit of a time warp . . . DDT was banned in the US way back in 1972, in the UK in 1984 and world-wide in 2004. Rumors are that North Korea still manufactures and uses it significantly, along with a few rogue chemical manufacturing plants in India where it is prized for pest control and sold via a thriving agrarian "black market".

There are some areas of the world that still allow use of DDT for controlling pests in the walls of structures (primarily, for eradicating mosquitoes) but it has fallen out of favor and less than 1000 structures are estimated to be treated annually . . . the same amount used for those structures would cover only about 100 acres of crops.

Nasty stuff . . . DDT exposure is linked to breast cancer (usually fatal) and a host of other human ailments (including psychosis) as well as a very long list of other environmental impacts . . .

Here is a wiki article: link

- Jackie
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Jackie, that was off topic. I may have to award points. Either that or I will have to determine firsthand your waxing status.

Oh, and I agree. DDT sucks.
If I was off topic, it was YOUR FAULT - LMAO!

And it is shaved bare, sweetie.


- Jackie
perpetualdesign's Avatar
Jackie, that was off topic. I may have to award points. Either that or I will have to determine firsthand your waxing status.

Oh, and I agree. DDT sucks. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Now you went and did it COG. You made any vote useless. By acting as a mod, you are one. You are now a moderator by common law!
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Well, if I'm a mod, then all points against anyone are cancelled! Let's get this party started!

FYI, I am not a mod, so the above is just BS.
bartipero's Avatar
Well, it reminds me of a true story about two inbred brothers in the last century left over from the one before that. Never married, they lived with their old maid sister. These gentlemen were quite isolated in a remote part of rural Kansas miles from anywhere running a large farm. As alluded, they weren't the brightest lot, so naturally spawned a number of stories based upon their exploits and their mental acuity, so to speak, as you will soon see.

One day one of the brothers drove 25 miles--to the nearest town--where he visited the local pharmacist at his drug store to loudly demand a refund. He had gotten tired of shaving, so he bought some
Nair brand hair removal creme to substitute for the job. Apparently, it
wasn't a successful trial because it had more of the effect of a facial
peel and left him with a rash of what had the appearance of a chemical
burn. I can only guess what he and his brother did with DDT, but
there are some huge grasshoppers out there which we hunt on
horseback using 30-30 Winchesters and flame throwers, just in case
the rifle doesn't work.
KCQuestor's Avatar
I just saw this news story from 2008:

"Virgin" Bikini Waxing Now Popular for Pre-Teen Girls

"Virgin-waxing for children 8 years old and up who have never shaved before. Virgin hair can be waxed so successfully that growth can be permanently stopped in just 2 to 6 sessions. Save your child a lifetime of waxing... and put the money in the bank for her college education instead"
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
That just seems wrong.