Direct TV Genie Girl, Another reason to dislike NY Yankees

LoveWomen's Avatar
Intrigued by the Direct TV Genie Girl, a tiny bit of research gave up these images.

Falling in Lust, I then found she is apparently the girlfriend of our Yankees Hotdog and Nemesis...

So sad.

BigMikeinKC's Avatar
To borrow from Omahan - "I'd hit that!"
The Sixth Beatle's Avatar
Derek Jeter catches more great ass than anybody, except maybe Wilmer Valderama, John Mayer or Justin Timberlake.
malwoody's Avatar
"I wonder if she escorts?"
Maverick 07's Avatar
Sorry guys but nothing that special really. Lots of girls I met are as good looking here locally and they are not built like a 12 year old boy..Also i think she left her ass on the bus.