Hello all

Hello Ladies and Gents

A short time ago I said I was stepping aside until May to focus on my schooling. I had every intention of doing so, but my studies are not challenging enough and I am bored and have lots of free time.

Recently I have been attacked and bashed (how I have seen it) by posting in another thread on here. Instead of hijacking that thread anymore I started this one.

Here is the skinny

1. I am in school, I am bored so I came back earlier than planned.

2. I leave for Pinedale Wy in May and will be gone for 3 months.

3. I will be in a totally primative mountainous wilderness area with no cell phone and very little access to internet for 3 months.

This job I have accepted is my chance to chase my dream.

So I will check in when my schedule allows until May.

All I ask is that you gentleman and a few ladies quit bashing me and trying to start a fight with every post I make.

I have every right to post here as the next person. For me this is my escape from the stresses of my daily life.

Please leave the drama out of it.

KenMonk's Avatar
This post will bring about drama, hence the "please leave the drama out of it" is an oxymoron.

The board doesn't need a facebookish type update, which will cause more of the drama you claim you wish to avoid. I am not attempting to start a fight, I am attempting to offer advice. Its better to just ignore those who throw shots at you. They are looking for a reaction and oddly enough... here it is. Your post will get laughs and jeers, they will poke fun at you or pick on you and the cycle continues with another post from you playing the victim.
malwoody's Avatar
This post will bring about drama, hence the "please leave the drama out of it" is an oxymoron.

The board doesn't need a facebookish type update, which will cause more of the drama you claim you wish to avoid. I am not attempting to start a fight, I am attempting to offer advice. Its better to just ignore those who throw shots at you. They are looking for a reaction and oddly enough... here it is. Your post will get laughs and jeers, they will poke fun at you or pick on you and the cycle continues with another post from you playing the victim. Originally Posted by KenMonk
Only difference is I'm not going to bug Harold with any "laughs" or "jeers'...
You pretty much summed it up. If he hasen't figured it out by now, there's no further point in paying attention to him...after all, that's what he really wants anyway.

And don't forget..he's "nobodys bitch"..
KenMonk's Avatar
Only difference is I'm not going to bug Harold with any "laughs" or "jeers'...
You pretty much summed it up. If he hasen't figured it out by now, there's no further point in paying attention to him...after all, that's what he really wants anyway.

And don't forget..he's "nobodys bitch".. Originally Posted by malwoody
Was that a "The One" with Jet Li reference?

Misawahawk's Avatar
C'mon man nobody cares about your schooling. Check out plenty of fish, match, or something. I'm surprised the board is as nice as they are.
Shouldn't you have just tweeted this?
Helicopter206's Avatar
Must be studying Rocks there is nothing else up there.
so the point is he will be getting his Rocks off in WY.
growler's Avatar
A word of unsolicited advice Oenghus. You can't control what others do or say, only how you chose to react.The vast majority of people that visit this site don't bother to post. Of those that do. Do so for their own reasons, myself included.Each post says as much about ourselfs as it does about what we chose to post. Just post what you want to. Whenever you find something that you want to share, and don't about how it's received. Works wonders for me lol.
So proud of you for all you're doing to achieve your goals!

Keep up the good work babe!
Don't take this site so seriously when people say rude stuff to me I mostly ignore it you can't let it get to you

P.s goodluck
dirty dog's Avatar
Hello Ladies and Gents

A short time ago I said I was stepping aside until May to focus on my schooling. I had every intention of doing so, but my studies are not challenging enough and I am bored and have lots of free time.

Recently I have been attacked and bashed (how I have seen it) by posting in another thread on here. Instead of hijacking that thread anymore I started this one.

Here is the skinny

1. I am in school, I am bored so I came back earlier than planned.

2. I leave for Pinedale Wy in May and will be gone for 3 months.

3. I will be in a totally primative mountainous wilderness area with no cell phone and very little access to internet for 3 months.

This job I have accepted is my chance to chase my dream.

So I will check in when my schedule allows until May.

All I ask is that you gentleman and a few ladies quit bashing me and trying to start a fight with every post I make.

I have every right to post here as the next person. For me this is my escape from the stresses of my daily life.

Please leave the drama out of it.

Originally Posted by Oenghus
Bro, I know that I have bagged on you but in complete seriousness, a post like this will not lets say command respect from most of the men on the board and unfortunately this type of post will simply paint the target on your back. Best of luck to you in the future.
ElumEno's Avatar
@ Oenghus... With this group it is best just to fade away and then come back some other day.

I wish you the best of luck and with that Adios.
Hello .....
I'm new on here but I say let it roll off your back don't let anybody get you down
Thank you ladies for your kind words.

Gentleman I will take what you have posted under advisement.