A Social Question

LatexLover's Avatar
I've been a member here since April and still haven't received an invite for the social . I've sent Summer several pms, emailed the social address many times, even asked many of you for assistance; all to no avail. So I just have to ask....what is the DEAL !!! Who's a guy gotta fuck to get invited? Seriously, have any of you experienced difficulty cracking this nut or am I doing something wrong?
I am sorry that you are having a problem darlin'. Unfortunately, I know another gentleman who had a rough time as well. He DID eventually get invited but it DID take awhile. I've heard of other people having problems as well.

Not being involved in the arrangements nor planning of these socials, I really don't know details but they are very big affairs and DO take a LOT of planning. There are lots and lots of details and I'm sure that Summer is swamped.

Fawn would probably be a better one to ask...I think she knows EVERYTHING!
chipper's Avatar
Latexlover, ask the Ladies you are visiting with to help you get screened. If your emails are not being answered the hosts of the HH must be having trouble screening you. Neither ECCIE or ASPD are involved in the HH's except for attending and enjoying them. I don't know you or I would try to help. I am sure that any Lady, you have visited, that attends can get you invited.

I know that it can be tough at times but we all need screening for out safety.

I hope that this helps you!

I am not saying this is the case with you at all, but I thought I would throw this out there as a general FYI for those that it may apply to. I do know the social organizers were wondering about many of the social applicants who have no known references or no recent references wanting to go. The socials are marketing events for the ladies and guys who do not book appointments are not the preferred clientele they want coming to the socials.

I can tell you it is not about "the pretty people", it is about the people who have some discretionary spending money available. It's not their fault that times are tough or you lost your job, but the girls are not going to continue to come if their is no chum in the water.

Again, this is a general FYI. I do not know latexlover39 or anything about him. My comments were a general advisory and not intended to characterize him at all. His thread just provided the opportunity to pass the info along.
Chevalier's Avatar
The socials are marketing events for the ladies and guys who do not book appointments are not the preferred clientele they want coming to the socials. Originally Posted by cpi3000
Absolutely, which is why I'm one of the "not preferred." I've occasionally seen a new lady as a result of meeting her at a social, but not very often. I might enjoy an opportunity to chat with one of my favorite ladies. But if you're already seeing a lady regularly, or unable/unlikely to book appointments with a new lady, it's a bit selfish to take up her time at a social; she needs to be mingling and meeting new prospects. I would feel a little bit guilty coming to a social when I was not in the market for new companionship. And even if I knew in advance that a new lady in whom I was interested would be attending, well, she'd probably be surrounded by all you other horny bastards and I wouldn't get anywhere near her.
LatexLover's Avatar
I don't take anything you said personaly CPI . I don't know how much discretionary income is required but I hobby about twice a month. I'm attending an engagement soon with some folks in the hobby so maybe I'll get a chance to network a bit and let folks see who I am. I actualy had one of the providers I reviewed email Summer three months ago but did not receive an invite. I will bide my time for now and hope that eventualy the stars will align and I'll be able to attend. I understand the need to screen to insure our safety. The lack of response is simply frustrating.