Any good spot in katy

Hi, I’m new here and I’m pretty sure no one will provide any info. I’m looking for some nice spot around Katy 77449 besides Jin spa (way too expensive) Any suggestions would be great TIA
Go to and you'll find 40 listed for Katy.
To view the comments etc. I have to get a premium service which is 19.99/month which is what I’m not trying to do. I’ll see what others have to say about my question
Shops equivalent to Jin gonna be priced the same, Jin is full service. Are you new to this hobby? Prices gone up everywhere, even parlors.
O'Mike's Avatar
To view the comments etc. I have to get a premium service which is 19.99/month which is what I’m not trying to do. I’ll see what others have to say about my question Originally Posted by Hi-lo2022

Or do a specified number or reviews that meet the criteria and get premium for free.

Do some research on how this site operates and it's quarks, it will help you quite a bit in understanding the entire picture.

(also so you know, this thread will probably be moved pretty quickly by UC, question threads (ISOs) are not tolerated in the reviews sections anymore, only reviews.)

Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Not an encounter, moved
TryWeakly's Avatar
I hope the OP finds what he is in search of.
allaboutthebbbj's Avatar
OP sounds familiar lol
TryWeakly's Avatar
It sure do.