brookie is looking for help..

Hey I never really post in here but I need a couple of men to help me out. I recently recieved a DWI and was looking to see if there were any lawyers who could help me !!! I am not asking for free obviously.. but willing to pay, hoping to get a good deal. I am not trying to spend all my college savings on a mistake I made, and spend all my hard earned money.... ALSO while in this process I kinda did some damage to my car... minor ... motor mounts... lower air frame and lil other things. I really could use a guy who works on cars and could give me a good deal to help me fix it!!!

Or a car would be nice lol but i am never thAt lucky.

so hope yall understand im just tryin to seek qualified men who are willing to help this sad girl ;( Please dont think im desperate or broke, i just wanna save as much as i can... maybe even work a deal out!

Have a great day.....

A spoon full of brookie keeps the blue balls away
Barny Stinson's Avatar
i have been there. i sent you a PM.
St.Mateo's Avatar
Damn it I knew I should have gone to law school or autobody repair shop school Wasted 5 yrs of college on that stupid sociology crap lol....
rcg001's Avatar
Delanie Smith told me that she became a provider because of the attorney cost of [staff edit of personal info] I hope that you are ok and that you get a great deal. FYI, I am a computer guy just in case you ever need one.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar

If an attorney contacts you as a result of your post and offers a "trade", be very wary of that. Just a FYI. There is a well know "hobbiest", and it's no one that posts on this board (that I have seen), who is notorious for offering his services for trade and then not following through.

I know this from personal experience and also found out that a woman lost custody of her children a few years ago as a result of his incompetence. I have NOT seen his handle on ECCIE but if you wish, PM me and I will give you his first name. His reputation from days past is completely wicked. He has really duped a lot of women.

Again, just a FYI because I wouldn't be surprised if he lurked on this board. Doubt that he has gone far or changed his ways in the last couple of years since I've heard additional horror stories about him.

my dear brooke, I, like others went to school for other majors. I did not go to law school but....i am a great project manager...i can handle all this through great project management skills. be safe and good luck.
St.Mateo's Avatar
Moved to proper forum....
Fiero's Avatar
  • Fiero
  • 06-27-2010, 08:15 AM
I'm not an attorney...but I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night.
BIG C's Avatar
  • BIG C
  • 06-27-2010, 09:08 AM
Hey I never really post in here but I need a couple of men to help me out. I recently recieved a DWI and was looking to see if there were any lawyers who could help me !!! I am not asking for free obviously.. but willing to pay, hoping to get a good deal. I am not trying to spend all my college savings on a mistake I made, and spend all my hard earned money....

so hope yall understand im just tryin to seek qualified men who are willing to help this sad girl ;( Please dont think im desperate or broke, i just wanna save as much as i can... maybe even work a deal out!

Have a great day.....

A spoon full of brookie keeps the blue balls away Originally Posted by Brooke Cumsalot
Hey, next time you get in trouble with the law jusst make sure it's in MS and then contact me to help you out.....I am a lawyer, and I have also stayed in a Holiday Inn Express before so I got'cha covered.....LOL
Hobbyfun's Avatar
I'm not a lawyer but I do have all of Boston legal on DVDs
I also have stayed at a Holiday Inn as a matter of fact I'm a platinum member.
And to top that off when I was a kid I used to build model cars.

Just kidding good look in your search.