What's your definition of a "Crazy Special"?

tpepsi's Avatar
Does ten dollars off the normal hour rate sound crazy to you???

To each his own. I have specials and a pre book rate..I dont consider that too crazy but it works for me.
PillowChaffer's Avatar
Ten bucks is ten bucks bro....
tpepsi's Avatar
Crazy! The crazy special offered is 5% off the regular price.

That's crazy!
Ten bucks is ten bucks bro.... Originally Posted by PillowChaffer
Dr Grey's Avatar
Precious_b's Avatar
Fuckery Dept! LOL!

I guess it depends what level of Hobby you are talking.
If percentage, than SW scale that is significant discount.
SgtGonzo's Avatar
Uber to your place, $ hr, then $$$$ up sale, then uber +.4 to get her to leave
Sarah Renee's Avatar
Uber to your place, $ hr, then $$$$ up sale, then uber +.4 to get her to leave
Crazy! Originally Posted by SgtGonzo
Dang, that is bad... why not just say you paid her palimony. Sounds like the fing you get for the fing you got. I know marriages that began and ended cheaper.