Tipping providers

So I'm confident this has been asked on here before, and I did some cursory looking and didn't find a thread, and not sure how to use a search function, so please bear with the new guy.

Is tipping generally expected? And what is an appropriate amount? Yes, I know, it generally depends on the service, but would it be based on a general dinner scale? 10% for OK service, 25% for exceptional service kind of a scale?

I certainly don't want to be the guy to insult a provider based on my lack of knowledge.
FLReWrite's Avatar
It's good that you asked but yes, that topic has been covered here before. Many times. And when all the dust settles here's what you'll find: some people do and some people don't. Some providers expect it and some don't. And I'll say this, too: most providers who DO expect are usually gracious enough to never mention it. I've hobbied for 20 years and only once have a had a lady mention the tip and curiously enough it was a very high dollar lady.

The amount isn't nearly as important as the act of tipping. The gesture alone is usually appreciated by the ladies. My personal preference in life is to tip anyone who goes beyond my expectations at whatever service they are providing. So, yes, I tip ladies.

I'm glad you asked. Keep searching, you'll find plenty of reading.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
I don't tip cash.
but one I know wanted to go glass hunting on a beach. Well that was fun.
So if ya know one well, do something with she wants ta do
Isn't it a little bit awkward to ask for a tip? I remember this hair dresser at supercuts who had dread locks was cutting my hair. I asked her to make me look like Justin Bieber, and she responded with "Who is that?" Midway through the worst haircut I've ever had, she asked me for a tip. Like, wtf?
Wakeup's Avatar
Tip? A whore?? That you're paying a few hundred dollars an hour to fuck??? You fucking serious????

Get the fuck out of here...
Old-T's Avatar
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  • 08-03-2017, 05:49 PM
That is a very subjective question, and the answer has a lot to do with what you are looking for from your time here.

The amount isn't nearly as important as the act of tipping. The gesture alone is usually appreciated by the ladies. My personal preference in life is to tip anyone who goes beyond my expectations at whatever service they are providing. Originally Posted by FLReWrite
This is a common view, and one I tend to believe in. The stated fee is for "typical" service. If a lady goes beyond my expectations, then I have no problem giving her more....

I don't tip cash.
but one I know wanted to go glass hunting on a beach. Well that was fun.
So if ya know one well, do something with she wants ta do Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
...but often in some non-monetary way. Something individualized to her, something that shows I did my research or actually listed to what she was saying. I like to find something that can get her to smile as she unwraps it, or we can do together.

Tip? A whore?? That you're paying a few hundred dollars an hour to fuck??? You fucking serious????

Get the fuck out of here... Originally Posted by Wakeup
And then we have Wakeup, who speaks for a totally different demographic group on here. It actually is probably the majority of guys, but not as big a majority as he would have you believe.
All I can give a lady is the tip....sigh....
Wakeup's Avatar
It's the minority...only idiots tip, and most of you are fucking idiots...
I don't expect a tip, have never asked for one (aside from joking about it), and have always appreciated any tip a client has given me. Average is twenty bucks regardless of session length.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 08-03-2017, 09:36 PM
It's the minority...only idiots tip, and most of you are fucking idiots... Originally Posted by Wakeup
The prototypical Wakeup:

--Wakeup sees himself as the all-knowing supreme intelect

--Wakeup feels obliged to tell all inferior humans (i.e. everyone else)
how they should feel/believe/act in all things

--Any who disagree, or see things differently, are idiots
All I can give a lady is the tip....sigh.... Originally Posted by Ed Highlight
It's the minority...only idiots tip, and most of you are fucking idiots... Originally Posted by Wakeup
You're being nice with saying MOST ijs
The tipping scale is not the same as a waitress. She works for tips and makes only $2 an hour without tips, she needs the 25 per cent. Providers work for average of $300 an hour, lot more than $2. Provider has covered her needs with her rate.

Only reason a man tips in hobby is because he wants the lady to like him. She does not and will not ever like him, what a loser. She wants your cash not you. It is idiot that thinks otherwise.

I never offer more cash when negotiating price of new car, never tip my lawyer who earns $150 an hour, never tip my doctor, never tipped my plumber at $100 an hour, never tipped handyman at $30 an hour, why tip a person earning $300 an hour? I am a good tipper but I tip those that work for it, waitresses, pizza delivery boy, hotel staff, etc.
. I've hobbied for 20 years and only once have a had a lady mention the tip and curiously enough it was a very high dollar lady.. Originally Posted by FLReWrite
While i have not been 'hobbying for that long', i too have had a few ladies mention "you gonna tip me now" after we were done, and of the 4 who did, 3 were also high dollar lasses. Only one was a cheepie.. Strange, you would think that you just ponied up 300+ for an hr session would already be enough.. Guess not.
Is it truly ever "high class" to be a hooker?