Are We Allowed to Reference Full Stage Names Now?

billw1032's Avatar
It used to be the rule that only one letter of a name was allowed, and the rest either left off or masked by ****** (usually equal to the number of letters) when attached to any discussion that mentions extras. Many guys are still following this rule, but some are not. The sticky that established this rule (and also defined what "extras" were sufficient for PA credit) seems to have disappeared during the hiatus.

I've RTM'd a couple lately, and one got fixed. Another, still on the front page as I write, lists four full names. The OP got his PA, so evidently a mod looked at it but didn't make any changes to it.

blackmaleindallas's Avatar
We should keep the rule. I think some reviewers are simply being sloppy.
All for the rule as long as people aren't morons. Probably not happening. Idiots can't even withold names, think they can count the number of letters in a name? Gets frustrating when trying to figure out what names line up when someone thinks "Jennifer" is 12 characters.
txexetoo's Avatar
i hope that hasn’t changed. I know girls who have gotten fired
Using the dancers full name should be prohibited.

Mods don't seem to care
Are We Allowed to Reference Full Stage Names Now? Originally Posted by billw1032
Uh no...

Members should never do this and it will never be allowed for obvious reasons.

If anyone sees this, please RTM the Encounter so a member of staff can edit out the dancers name, thanks
billw1032's Avatar
Good luck with that RTM thing. I RTM'd this one about 4 or 5 days ago: Nothing has been done. Not the first time. Yes, I know that the staff are volunteers and very busy and I appreciate that, but apparently a mod finally got around to looking at this one and awarding PA credit to the author, but didn't do anything about the name edits.

Also, as I mentioned before, the sticky that set out this rule is gone. How are new guys (or out-of-town guys) supposed to know the rules?
The names are gone and I'll have one of the Mods post a Sticky about Dancer names...
billw1032's Avatar
Thanks, appreciate the attention. But the names are still visible in ROS...
And no, I really don't want a job as a mod. You guys work way too hard for not enough pay. I'm just interested in protecting the dancers, some of whom I know.

**Edit** OK, I see it's done now. Thank you.
Names are gone from ROS and I wasn't thinking of asking you, thanks for the heads up though!
BluesMan's Avatar
Names are still showing in the physical description section.
Gone, thanks