I see this time and time again( pun intended) about clock watching Providers.
Over my years I have been shorted on time, received the exact time, and ran over anywhere from 5min to 2 hours without being asked to leave.
I am sure most guys dont mind sticking to the time paid for.
For me I expect if I am paying a premium rate a few more minutes other than 60, 15-30 or so is good
What gets my goat is when they start announcing time left or say, its 3:30 hurry up.. That makes us feel like we are being rushed. Most guys will know what time it is..
and nothing makes me madder than when a girl moves her clock up 10-15 minutes from real time.
a while back I saw a new provider, my time was from 3:30 to 4:30, I arrived, we had fun, I looked at the clock at it was time to go( boy that was fast I thought to myself),
I do not wear a watch and I left my phone in the car that day, I got dressed got out to my car and noticed I had almost 20 minutes left!!!!
I was not happy and needless to say I never saw her again.
I always try to make sure I leave when its time to leave..