Shoulda Known Better!

kindafun's Avatar
Ok I’m a dumbass! Getting ready this morning for a 10am appt with a lovely ECCIE lady and in my infinite wisdom, I decided to do a little “manscaping”. Well, you guessed it. I nicked myself down there and had to cancel the appt because it took me almost 2 hours to get the bleeding stopped. I even had to resort to using “new skin” down there and we all know how that burns. The lady was very nice about the situation and I’m most appreciative of that. LESSON LEARNED!!
eholiday's Avatar
I had a similar thing happen to me about 6-7 days into my last trip to Thailand... I kinda needed a 2 day break after that first week...
Gdrop161847's Avatar
Should try Philips One Blade. Shaves smooth, no nicks our cuts. Sold at Walmart.
gdiddy's Avatar
I use Magic Shave cream and it does the job. No razors needed. I don't trust myself down there 😂