
MissNatalieMarie's Avatar
Are we allowed to post screenshots of texts to prove that a review that was done isn't true...but was done by someone who refuses to take accountability of his actions and places blame
I know it is frustrating when someone totally lies on a review. Unfortunately screenshots don't necessarily prove anything. You could have a second phone or a friend send you the texts and take a screen shot of them.

The best thing a provider can do is to calmly state what is inaccurate about the review and let it go at that. If you have a history of good reviews one bad one shouldn't make much difference for you. Handling the issue with class will say more about you and will help you out more than getting into a he said she said yelling match.

If you want to feel better, take an old doll, put the clients handle or name on it, and stick pins in areas on the foll making it your stress relief voodoo doll.
That’s some good advice Farmstud!
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Guideline 9 covers the question you present at post 1.

But, you can mention the review title, date and your thoughts as a rebuttal.
Just word your presentation carefully. See farmstud's middle paragraph above.

You could also comment in the ladies room.

I'll send you a PM on your other question. could schedule with someone else to get a good review back on top
Lolove's Avatar
Keep ur head up and carry on , one bad review just may reveal the falseness of it