Review: Lucky find SW Paris

Date: 8/21
Provider: Paris / Maddisonmonroe88
Phone: 469-664-5321
Email Address: -
URL / Website:
City: Dallas
State: Texas
Address: Gas station on HH
Appointment Type: Other
Activities: BBBJ,CFS
Session Length: 20-30
Fee: $
Hair Color and Length: Black past shoulders
Age: 2?
Smoking Status: Smoker
Ethnic Background: Black/African
Physical Description: 5'4" This girl is smoking hot. No fat at all but not anorexic either. Her pictures on here are her and accurate except her hair was all black. A to B cup no sag both pierced. One of the best asses I have ever seen. Several tats on arms and legs. On a SW scale I'd give her a 10.
Recommendation: Yes
Chung Tran's Avatar
Okay, I have to call out the many holes in your tale.. feel free to respond and tell me I'm FOS, but there's so many dubious connectors here..

(1) you just happened to be back in the Hobby world after years on the sidelines
(2) you decided to cruise HH briefly, out of curiosity, although that's not your true scene, you were really going to an AMP
(3) you happened upon a SW Goddess, an unbelievable stroke of good fortune
(4) that SW was not only smoking hot, but exhibited no signs of normal SW behavior; she didn't nag for cash, she had cleanup and sanitizer ready, she hopped on to fuck like a rabbit in perfect harmony
(5) no mention of money, yet you just happened to feel like $100 was right for this SW you knew nothing about, no idea what service might be rendered, if she was cash-and-dash, nothing.. oh, except she's smoking hot
(6) the girl you saw happens to be on ECCIE, you happened to pay her an ECCIE quickie rate on your own accord, even though she's a SW
(7) you decided to pm her later and "oh, cool, she's on ECCIE".. on ECCIE, and online here as I type this.. oh, one more thing.. she has not had a review since LAST YEAR.. could it be you and she got together and?.. oh no, couldn't happen.. not on ECCIE.
1. Yes I have been on the sidelines for years. Believe it or not some men hobby when we are single but when we are with someone we don't hobby. Shocking I know but unlike a lot of men if a woman is not taking care of my needs at home I don't cheat on her I leave her. Probably why I'm 40 and never married.

2. Yes I cruised HH briefly one trip. Never said it was not my scene. I like to cruise around and see what's out there. Even did that on my break from the hobby but I was in FW not Dallas and never stopped just window shopping. Could it be possible that someone plays in the whole hobby. I see independents when I find one I like or I'm looking for something specific, I go to an AMP for last minute hookups, and I like to cruise the streets when I have some time to kill and look for that great find. I don't stop for ugly or crazy looking SW. SW are just the thrill of the hunt for me. If she is not hot I'm not stopping. Also I don't pick up SW because I'm broke. When I was younger and broke I sat home watched porn and jacked off.

3. Yes it was an unbelievable stroke of good luck. I said in the review I can not believe I found a SW as hot as her on my first night back in the hobby. Even the times I was window shopping I did not see anyone with her body. I probably would have stopped if I had.

4. If she had the normal SW mentality I would have probably noticed it before we got in the room and I gave her the cash. If I had I would not have been as generous. I'm not a newbie here. I've been in the hobby for 20 years I can normally spot a scam artist. I've seen all the signs. Yes I thought the hand sanitizer was a nice touch. It does not happen often with SW. It was out of the ordinary and made a good impression on me so I mentioned it in the review. Fuck in perfect harmony I never said. I have no complaints about her abilities but I never said she was the best in the sack I've ever had. I don't know that anyone would measure up to some of the greats I met off ASPD, or some of the greats I hope to meet here now that I'm back in the game. But we where on a couch in a bookstore I would think she is better in a hotel room I'll let you know after my next visit with her. Even if she is not any better she was still good enough at what she does I'll see her again.

5. It was not really that I thought $ was right for this situation. I can spare $ so I did. Had I not felt she was worth the $ it would have been my loss. Then I would have posted a review here and warned you not to waste your money. But it's my money to gamble with and I have been around long enough to make judgment calls with it.

6. I did not know she was on eccie when I met her. I did not know I was paying the quickie rate listed on eccie. I said I know it's a little high for a SW. But it's my money I can spend it how I want. I did not pick up a SW because I was broke I picked her up because I found what I was looking for. And yes there are times smoking hot tight body is what I'm looking for. With SW smoking hot is pretty much the only thing that would get me to stop. If I'm looking for a different fetish I get on here read reviews and find the independent that offers what I'm looking for. Again like I said with SW it's the thrill of the hunt. If I find what I'm hunting for I stop and pick her up. If I don't I go home or to an AMP.

7. I did not PM her. She gave me her number so I texted her. At the time i still did not know she was on eccie. On my way home I decided I would post a review on her since it was a great find on the streets. That is what this site is for. When you make a good find you post it and spread the good fortune around. I was not going to give her number out without asking her permission so I texted her and asked. When I asked is when she told me she was a member here and I could post a review and her number if I want. This is just a guess but could she have been online this morning because she knew I was going to post a review on her. She could have got online to see if I had posted it, could have been curious. She could have also got a PM or 2 after my review. She could have just been bored and got on. You were on this morning as well. Does that mean you're are up to something shady. There are lots of reasons she could have been online.

I don't know what holes you think you see. I post honest reviews. I try to give enough detail so that you feel like it helped with your decision on who to see. I don't barter with reviews. If I have a good time I post a good review. If I have a bad time I post a bad one. Like I said I've been around the block enough times I have more good times than bad ones. I know what to look for. With SW your taking a chance but I could have left when she got up to my truck if I had spotted anything I did not like or she said anything that worried me.

I know this is kind of long winded and probably makes me sound like a white night. But since you attacked a review I posted I fell it is kind of my responsibility to defend the review.
Chung Tran's Avatar
I wouldn't say I attacked your review, but honestly there are so many reasons to wonder how credible it is.. you've been away for a while, so maybe you don't know that fake reviews are common on ECCIE.. you had not reviewed in 5 years, so that alone gives one pause.

I will say you defended yourself much better than I would have imagined, and without the vitriol that fake reviewers almost always return. I appreciate your detailed response, and the last bit about why she may have been online was especially articulate.. so thanks for the review and I hope to see more from you, sounds like you will have a lot to share.
No worries. It has been a while since I have posted anything on here. I'm back now though so you will see more to come.
Well, that was pretty civil. Great work, guys!
Shhhh...'s Avatar
Well handled gentlemen. I appreciate Chung as he was just trying to flush out the truth, and Goliath responded with legitimate comments. Chung then accepts the response and it's flushed out, all without a bad name thrown around...fine job men!
TexasCowboy's Avatar
She looks good in her pictures - Thanks
thanks for the intel guys and chung for flushing all that out... too many fakers lately for sure and appreciate the mature dialogue. now off to find her and defile her...
JuanBear4U's Avatar
I bet randomtxguy can get a better deal than the OP donation wise lol
Maybe so, Juan, but I do appreciate Goliath not beating around the bush so he could get down to beating on the bush.
I bet randomtxguy can get a better deal than the OP donation wise lol Originally Posted by JuanBear4U

haha I Pm'd here and then she went radio silent after a couple of messages
That's not good. I got lucky and stumbled on to her not sure how she is about scheduling or showing up. Hopefully it's not to hard I was planning on seeing her again Monday.
I agree, well handled guys!!
Funny! I cruise whenever I can but these days that is not very often. Whenever I have to drive to the office I leave early enough for a few detours and on the way home always take a few detours to check out some of the areas I frequented previously. Actually finding the time to complete a transaction on my schedule is few and far between. Mostly when someone else is out of town. I continue to Hobby but those are quick trips to an AMP near home or when I drive in to the office a well planned and timed excursion.

I will never forget a few years ago 2009 I left early for work and ended cruising HH on my way, I saw what I thought was a very rare and hot AASW and pulled up asked her if she needed a ride. She said just going to work so I said get in.. She really was headed for work at the janitor supply store on HH. Normal clothes but very attractive with what appeared to be D's under a sweatshirt. Because of the ride we got there early. She asked if I would take her to the store so she could grab something to eat. I did and on the way back a little small talk I asked her if she wanted to have some fun and she said she was feeling a little risqué. we parked and got to work on her D's. We were not in a great place and with the sun coming up I brought her to work. We arranged to meet at 4PM after she got off work. Well I got there a little late and she was walking toward the bus stop. Picked her up went to run down hotel on Walnut Hill and HH had a good time. Bought her McDonalds on the way to drop her off at college over down off Abrahms / Forest area. She gave me her number which led to me buying my first hobby phone. Called a few times and left messages but was always turning that phone off and putting up. Never got a return message. But those of you who cruise know what a thrill that was!!!! I am in search of a repeat of that day!