Cheap AMPs? What happened

exoticdanceweardealer's Avatar
I knew a drunk a while back who swore there was this place near love field where a handy was like $10. Sure, it was a little old Asian lady but I swear I got jerked off by Gollum once, couldn't be worse than that.

So what happened? Seriously AMPs are ridonkulous don't ya think?
Roger.Smith's Avatar
I knew a drunk a while back who swore there was this place near love field where a handy was like $10. Sure, it was a little old Asian lady but I swear I got jerked off by Gollum once, couldn't be worse than that.

So what happened? Seriously AMPs are ridonkulous don't ya think? Originally Posted by exoticdanceweardealer
AMPs have had the same prices for years, even through inflation. That wasn't an AMP you went to. You were drunk and got jerked off by a homeless man baby! Yea!
exoticdanceweardealer's Avatar
In all honestly, yeah I probably was.