Little Johnny

Which body part goes to heaven first?

The teacher was having a discussion about heaven and asked the class which body part they thought went to heaven first? Only Jenny, Jim, and Little Johnny raised their hands. The teacher thought on no, I'm not picking Johnny because he will say something perverted.

The teacher picked Jenny first who relied " Your head makes it so heaven first, because you have to be smart!" The teacher said ok and then selected Jim who said " Your heart, because you have to love Jesus to get into heaven!" The teacher once again said ok and looked around for room for anyone else to select besides Johnny, but was disappointed to find his the only hand raised.

The teacher hesitantly selected Little Johnny who smiled and said "Your feet!" The teacher quizzically looked at Johnny and asked why on earth would your feet go into heaven first? Johnny replied " Last night I went into my parents room and dad was on top of mom and she had her feet straight up in the air and she was yelling OH GOD, I'M CUMMIN'!!!!"
wildwing's Avatar
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The teacher was doing a math lesson, and said there were 3 birds on a fence. If you shoot one, how many are left? Johnny raises his hand, and answered none, because the other two will fly away. The teacher said that the answer was two, but she liked the way he thinks.

Johnny asked the teacher a question, three women were in the park eating ice cream cones. One was just licking around the cone, another was biting the ice cream off the cone, and the last one was sucking it down to the cone, so which woman was married? The teacher thought for a few seconds, and said the one sucking it down to the cone. Johnny said no, the one wearing a wedding ring, but I like the way you think.
myren1900's Avatar
That was a great way to stay my day! Thanks for those laughs!