Has Flower of Gold One returned?

redhot11's Avatar
I read somewhere on the forum that Flower of Gold One might make a return to Dallas? Does anyone have any more info on this?
oceanpalace's Avatar
The reason that Flower left Dallas was because she did not want to endure the hot Dallas summer heat. It's not likely that she'll return until the fall, when the temperatures get cooler.
Just talked to Kay and she said Flower will be back on the 24th of July
redhot11's Avatar
Thanks Sailor. This is awesome news
You're welcome buddy
oceanpalace's Avatar
I can clarify my previous error in understanding; just had a session with her this evening - what led Flower to leave Dallas last time was not the Dallas heat outside, but the not-working-properly A/C inside the Gold One Spa. She couldn't take the heat inside with just the fan. I'm happy to say that the A/C is working fine at Gold One Spa now, and Flower is back. Sorry for my error guys. She is great and I'm glad she's back. Have a great time!
CalvinK's Avatar
On my shopping list.