Why so hard

Can't understand why it is so hard to find a regular to see constantly and build some rapport with. My office and most of my life revolves around the uptown area. Would love to find a sexy MIlF type to be my regular.

Any suggestions or thoughts from those that have this would be great appreciated.
Grace Preston's Avatar
Best place to start might be with a well worded ISO. Make sure you put your preferences, from part of town all the way to physical attributes and schedule. Yes, you'll get some responses that won't fit what you seek-- but the chances are good that you'll get a couple of good options. Check their reviews here, settle on what might work for you.. and go from there. Sometimes finding a "regular" is a trial and error thing. We are all human and sometimes it takes a little time to find that "click".

Good luck and happy hunting!!
GracePreston - I totally agree with you !!
I agree with Ms. Preston. Rapport can only happen, if at all, with multiple visits and developing a comfort level and connection. As she noted, it really is trial & error, but taking the time to read enough reviews beforehand certainly increases your odds, at least, based on my experience. Ciao & good luck.