Senile Biden Lied About Hunter's Business Dealings and his involvement

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REPORT: A recovered voicemail reveals that Joe Biden LIED and did speak to son Hunter about international business dealings - despite the now-president's repeated denial of such talks

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A backup voicemail recording recovered from Hunter Biden's laptop computer shows that Joe Biden spoke with his son Hunter about Hunter's business dealings with a Chinese oil giant, even though now-President Biden has repeatedly said that he has never talked to his son about his foreign business dealings.

The Daily Mail reports that Joe Biden called Hunter on Dec. 12, 2018, after reading a New York Times article that detailed Hunter's connections with the Chinese oil firm CEFC.

Joe Biden left a voicemail for Hunter on his son's iPhone XS, which was backed up on the laptop that Hunter later abandoned at a Maryland computer repair shop.

The Times story in 2018 noted that CEFC Chairman Ye Jianming had been arrested in China and one of his top aides, Patrick Ho, had been convicted in the United States for bribing African officials to aid Iran in evading oil sanctions.

The story also reported that in 2017, Ye and Hunter Biden had met at a Miami hotel to talk about ''a partnership to invest in American infrastructure and energy deals.''

When Ho was arrested, he called Joe Biden's brother Jim, the Times reported, who told the paper he thought the call was intended for Hunter.

The Times reported that it was ''unclear whether Hunter Biden struck any business deals with CEFC.''

After reading the story, Joe Biden picked up the phone and dialed his son.

''Hey, pal, it's Dad,'' he said. ''It's 8:15 on Wednesday night. If you get a chance just give me a call. Nothing urgent. I just wanted to talk to you.

'''I thought the article released online, it's going to be printed tomorrow in the Times, was good. I think you're clear,''
Biden continued. ''And anyway, if you get a chance give me a call. I love you.''

As reporting on Hunter Biden's foreign business dealings have come to light, President Biden has on a number occasions denied ever having spoken to his son about them, both directly and through his press spokespersons to members of the press who have asked about the matter.

Hunter Biden's best friend and business partner, Devon Archer, texted him the next day: ''Nice quote from uncle jimmy. I hope you thanked him for that.''

Hunter replied: ''Took it totally out of the context atctually (sic) the text itself that it was said in. Either way yeah I'm delighted.''

But after Ho was arrested, he contacted Hunter Biden and paid him $1 million as a retainer to represent him.

The Daily Mail reports that a FISA warrant shows that federal agents were also monitoring Ho as a possible spy for China.

Hunter Biden appeared to be aware of Ho's status, as revealed in a recording while making sex tapes in a hotel room, according to the Mail.

On one of the recordings, Hunter Biden tells the woman he is with: '''I have another New York Times reporter calling about my representation of the, literally, Dr. Patrick Ho — the f***ing spy chief of China who started the company that my partner [Jianming], who is worth $323 billion, founded and is now missing.''

''The richest man in the world is missing, who was my partner,'' Hunter tells the woman in the May 11, 2018, recording.

Hunter Biden's claim that Ho was the '''spy chief of China'' — or a senior Chinese intelligence officer — has not been proved, the Mail said.
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Voicemail from Joe Biden to Hunter saying he wants to discuss their China business deals.

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Bump since apparently old Eye missed all this evidence from Hunter's laptop