The stark reality of the town Fraud Fetterman used to oversee as mayor

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"The population declined by 41% between 2000 and 2020. If you visit Braddock today, you will see no banks, major grocery stores, drugstores or gas stations."

How much do Pennsylvania voters know about U.S. Senate candidate John Fetterman, whose campaign ads state that he entered politics to make his town a better, safer place? I left eastern Pennsylvania after college and briefly worked in Braddock, a declining town riddled with **** and crime currently with about 1,700 residents (slightly less than Leesport).

Fetterman served from 2006 until 2019 as Braddock’s part-time mayor at a monthly salary of $150, financially subsidized during these years by his successful father. In 2010, the borough manager embezzled $178,000 from this impoverished town, and its hospital closed. The population declined by 41% between 2000 and 2020. If you visit Braddock today, you will see no banks, major grocery stores, drugstores or gas stations. Storefronts on its main street are boarded. The median home price in 2021 was $36,000. The town remains severely depressed.

With little vetting, Fetterman rode Gov. Tom Wolf’s coattails in 2019, becoming lieutenant governor, where he focused on legalizing recreational marijuana and pardoning imprisoned, convicted **** dealers.

Visit Braddock, do your homework, and decide if this Bernie Sanders clone should be your new U.S. senator.