Would You Like To Be A Virgin again?

Ladies, would you like to be a virgin again?

Remember how tight things were?

Well, now you can recapture that feeling:


Yeah, but how does it taste? lol
mmcqtx's Avatar
OMG it is real stuff! I was sure it was a gag. Does anyone except Muslim suicide bombers even care about virgins/virginity anymore?
Yeah, but how does it taste? lol Originally Posted by jb944

LOVE IT! Lol. I have seen different products that contain alum that will tighten everything up down there...but I have always been afraid to experiment with them because I wondered if they would give a guy the "bitter beer face" if he got it in his mouth.


Anyway my kitty kitty is tight enough...it's more of a curiosity thing

Thank you for this thread, I needed a good laugh!
OK, I can't be the only one to notice this. The product is a spray. And you're supposed to spray it into your vagina. (I don't know how else to say this so I'm just going to say it.) I could be wrong but if you can spray that into your vagina, you have bigger problems.
LMFAO @ Dharma!!!!!!! OMG! I am typing through tears!!! You are SOOOOO right!

In answer to the original question: No
Bluedrummer's Avatar
It's strawberry flavored... That has to help, right? No?!?

"Instant Virgin Spray is the perfect way to enable you to do away with dangerous and expensive cosmetic surgery to rejuvenate your vagina, because now you can easily enhance your vagina, with Instant Virgin"

They have a surgery that fixes it too? How do you look the doctor in the face after that one?
pmdelites's Avatar
It's strawberry flavored... That has to help, right? No?!?

"Instant Virgin Spray is the perfect way to enable you to do away with dangerous and expensive cosmetic surgery to rejuvenate your vagina, because now you can easily enhance your vagina, with Instant Virgin"

They have a surgery that fixes it too? How do you look the doctor in the face after that one? Originally Posted by Bluedrummer
with a smile as the doc [female or male] licks their lips and is itching to dive in for a mid-exam dine-at-the-Y :^) :^) :^)

and dharma - TFF!!!!! thanks for the mid-morning-getting-over-the-icy-situation laugh!!!
WiLsOn's Avatar
Ha! "Tight is overrated!

WiLsOn W Wilson
Jules Jaguar's Avatar
no thanks lol
Wow, and in only 5 minutes?? LOL. Wouldn't that be funny to walk into a provider's place and see THAT on the dresser next to her perfumes? LOL.
lol that would be a stop n think moment jessica.
blakintelkt's Avatar
OMG it is real stuff! I was sure it was a gag. Does anyone except Muslim suicide bombers even care about virgins/virginity anymore? Originally Posted by mmcqtx
I care about them. Enough to avoid them at all cost
LOL, Dharma you crack me up! I fell outa my chair laughing!

Now I know what to buy if I ever need an outrageous gag-gift. Priceless.
Does anyone even care about virgins/virginity anymore? Originally Posted by mmcqtx
Actually, it's always been a fantasy of mine to do a virgin.

Somehow, I don't think there are any ladies on this board who can help me with this particular fantasy, lol.