Sorry Jemma Martin

My first post on this forum and it has to be an apology. FML.

This goes out to Jemma. I transposed the last four digits of my phone for her to text me her contact info and caused her to send it to the wrong person. Instead of 5749 I typed 5479. Now she wont see hu hu hu.

I understand the risks we all take in this hobby. The phone number I gave is a new one I bought spec for the hobby and my unfamiliarity and the late hour combined to cause the screwup.

So Jemma, I PM'ed you an apology and am posting here to let everybody know that it was an honest mistake.
ImaMrCool's Avatar
Brooke Wilde's Avatar
I've had the exact same thing happen to me. A client messed up a digit in his number and I sent a long drawen out text to the wrong person. It was no big deal for me. I just e-mailed my client and told him I think he made a mistake when sending me his number. He re-sent it and we went ahead with the appointment a day later instead.

IMO ... if she won't see you simply because of this mistake, it sounds like this chick has a pretty short fuse and should consider being more forgiving.
h2theizzo's Avatar
Haha, honest mistake, I think. I can't say I've ever done it, but that's because my number is absurdly awesome and almost impossible to screw up. I'm sure she'll still see you, though, it's not like you missed ALL the numbers.

I liked Mojo's response to your Alerts post- very succinct.

Tell you what, though, I look forward to reading your review on Ms. Jemma, her pictures seem pretty hot. Deuces for now, and, I suppose, good on you for going public with your mistake, haha.
This is really nice of you to post a public apology. Bet she eventually forgives you
carkido45's Avatar
This is really nice of you to post a public apology. Bet she eventually forgives you Originally Posted by HoneyRose
Of course she will's about the Benji's
simpleton's Avatar
Dude, give it a rest. You posted an alert on this samething. Your started to seem like a stalker.