After spending inordinate amounts of time on, I have come to the conclusion that the muff is on the comeback. No doubt about it, there is hair down there now. Maybe just a little more than a landing strip, but nothing on the sides. I have no problem with that, especially if its jet black hair.
Now, on to porn. An observation and a question.
Porn is getting too violent. Way too violent. What is the turn on in seeing a girl gagged with a giant cock or sausage to the point she gags? Or laid with her head back, she spits all over herself to the point her mascara runs all over her head? Or finally, why do porn guys shove their fists in a girls mouth? And lately, I see these "Watch her be punished" shit where a guy tosses a girl around, chokes her and beats her. WTF?
Okay, the question.
Along the lines of the violence, it seems there are many talented girls who can swallow 9 inches with little effort. For those that can't, it seems the guys are hell bent on jamming that 9 inches into her throat. But it seems, they grab their balls and are pushing them in the girls face too. WHY? Whats the draw? Does it cover up the part of the cock the girl cant get past her lips? They all do this. Is porn just cutting edge? Am I just old? (Well, yes, I am.)
(Whoever thought it would be me, PL, defending the honor of sluts?)