A positive note....

Guest071315's Avatar
So many sad stories on her lately.... Let's just smile, laugh, and receive positive energy!

Share a dirty joke...
Share an embarrassing moment....
Share a motivational anecdote...
or just share a smiley face!

I'll go first:
The weather has been so beautiful lately! I was outside walking around one of my favorite trails taking in the scenery... I veered off to check out the creek; I had to go through the trees. Well, two squirrels were chasing each other and I looked up to watch... Lo and behold, my foot found its way into a hole and the dirt and I made friends. Whoops! Then I heard laughing!! Apparently, a group of walkers had seen me and got their laugh in. Damn squirrels.

Hug 4 u ...........thanks for the positive thread.

PS Damn squirrels .....ahehehe
Gimmeallten$'s Avatar
It's cool in my world, inside the matrix always happy hour. I got one$ an ten$.

Hi lisa my chi-town friend... Windy cit
Hi Gimme.
elgato111's Avatar
Thanks Ryan for the laugh. Hope you have a great day dear, with many more to come.
PoppyToyota's Avatar
My second appointment I was super nervous. She gave me directions to her apartment and there were two apartment complexes with almost the same name. So I turn into the wrong one, roll up to the building, and found the apartment number. I get out and go to the door (Keep in mind Im at the wrong complex.) and knock. I turn around and hear dogs barking so I think she's putting them away. Well I hear this older woman with a deep raspy voice say I'm coming. I turned around and went back to my car to call for directions AGAIN. She laughed and said I should have turned right instead of left. Then asked me if I was holding her present when the lady opened. I told her I didn't stay long enough for a response. We both laughed about my poor sense of direction.
FishGuy13's Avatar
LOL Great idea Ryan! If not my first one of my very early times was for FBSM. I was up on her massage table in my birthday suit, she was almost in a matching uniform, and has a little beard trimmer to do some manscaping not even close to me and with a wink says I bet you can't stay soft while I do this ... umm I lost before she got with in about a foot of me and was kinda bent over and then she says um hon where did you set my gift, hmmm I jump up look in my pants pocket then it hits me I just hit an ATM and said oh its in the car. So imagine this we are both almost naked, and with out thinking I head for the door, she kinda clears her throat and says your car is not in a garage umm and looks kinda down as I am sportin' some nice wood, and I say I really don't want to get all dressed up again, and she points out with a bit of a smirk just use my robe from a hook in the bathroom. So here I am with a nice and very soft and thin mind you robe that goes way above the knee, parked right up front, got her gift rush back in (mind you all the blood has long since left my big head in favor of the little head) open the door .... IT WAS THE WRONG DOOR! Oh the look on my face as I see this young house wife must have been priceless! I was too shocked to say something slick as our eyes met, I not only opened the door, I was about two steps in, and just as fast said very softly 'opps' and slipped back out. Got back to her in the right door still kinda pale faced and said ... um I may have shocked your neighbor. We laughed it off quickly and had a great session!
Guest071315's Avatar
Love Lisa's smileys!!

Thanks elgato!! It's been a good day.

Oh no!! Maybe that raspy voice lady would have rocked your world?
Guest071315's Avatar
Was it a girly robe??
FishGuy13's Avatar
Was it a girly robe?? Originally Posted by RyansFun
YES very girly and very short, lol
lil_michelle's Avatar
LOL Great idea Ryan! If not my first one of my very early times was for FBSM. I was up on her massage table in my birthday suit, she was almost in a matching uniform, and has a little beard trimmer to do some manscaping not even close to me and with a wink says I bet you can't stay soft while I do this ... umm I lost before she got with in about a foot of me and was kinda bent over and then she says um hon where did you set my gift, hmmm I jump up look in my pants pocket then it hits me I just hit an ATM and said oh its in the car. So imagine this we are both almost naked, and with out thinking I head for the door, she kinda clears her throat and says your car is not in a garage umm and looks kinda down as I am sportin' some nice wood, and I say I really don't want to get all dressed up again, and she points out with a bit of a smirk just use my robe from a hook in the bathroom. So here I am with a nice and very soft and thin mind you robe that goes way above the knee, parked right up front, got her gift rush back in (mind you all the blood has long since left my big head in favor of the little head) open the door .... IT WAS THE WRONG DOOR! Oh the look on my face as I see this young house wife must have been priceless! I was too shocked to say something slick as our eyes met, I not only opened the door, I was about two steps in, and just as fast said very softly 'opps' and slipped back out. Got back to her in the right door still kinda pale faced and said ... um I may have shocked your neighbor. We laughed it off quickly and had a great session! Originally Posted by FishGuy13

Int3rested's Avatar
A Few Professions Preferred by Some...

1. Doctor. Because they say, "Take off your clothes."
2. Dentist. Because they say, "Open Wide."
3. Hairdresser. Because they ask, "Do you want it teased or blown?"
4. Milkman. Because they ask, "Do you want it in front or in back?"
5. Interior Decorator. Because they say, "Once you have it all in,
you'll love it."
6. Banker. Because they say, "If you take it out to soon, you'll lose interest."
7. Police Officer. Because they say, "Spread 'em."
8. Mailman. Because they always deliver the package.
9. Pilot. Because they take off fast and then slow down.
10. Hunter. Because they always go deep in the bush, shoot twice, and
always eat what they shoot.
11. Providist. Whatever you want.
So last week, I was texting a client around the same time that I was texting my dad.
The client texts saying, "Are you ready to see me tonight?"
I text back, "Hell yeah, I can't wait to have some big O's with you tonight!"

About 30mins later my DAD texts me saying, "What big O's?"

- I checked my outgoing text messages and was mortified!!

Sad thing is, this was not the 1st time that I've slipped up and texted something CRAZY to one of my parents that was supposed to go to a client! he he he....

FishGuy13's Avatar
Looking for somthing for the history nerd side of me and found this:
In 1636, Thomas Hooker (1586-1647), a Cambridge, Massachusetts minister, established the first English settlement in Connecticut. Convinced that government should rest on free consent, he extended voting rights beyond church members. {want the link for the context and the rest of the story just ask}
Makes me think hmm sin city could have started out on the East Cost and just kept moving west geting a little wilder with each move west it made ...
  • Sami
  • 02-25-2011, 05:40 PM
Ha Ha Ryan! I think it's funny when someone I know licks everything....