What would you do???

After a horrible situation today, i am left with a few questions for you guys. A little background on the situation... one of the girls has an apt today at 9:30. This apt was pre booked... i re confirmed today and provided the gentleman with the address. He asked for the room number, i told him i would provide when he arrived, closer to the actual apt time. I spend the day with said girl at her hotel pool. Go home, later than usual... so i rush to give my little one a bath to get the clorine off him. I forget my phone in his room because i am in such a rush. I look at the bathroom clock, see it is the apt time... so i send the guy the room number at 9:31. He claims he left. I go through the messages and see e texted a couple times... at which time i was in the bath with my child. So i explained the situation to him, he replied with some not so nice comments. So i am sitting here confused... he got the room number at the apt time... yes i missed the messages he sent when he first arrived... but she was ready and he received room number on time.

In all my years i have never known someone to leave at the exact apt time or 1 minute after apt time. It's not my fault if you arrive 15-20m early and are upset for waiting... Show up at apt time right? And lets say you do show up on time, do you really leave 1 minute after set time?

So my question is how long should you wait before leaving? The fact that you arrived 15-20m early should not factor into how long you waited right? In my eyes this is a nc/ns or even a last minute cancel. Ive spoke to a couple providers and they agreed that he is wrong for leaving. In my eyes and the providers, he is in the wrong. But from the way he talked to me, and the not so nice things he said, well it made me want to get others opinions. Yes i admit i accidently forgot the phone, but was not late in giving the room number. I am human... i certainly would not cancel an apt if the guy showed up on time or 1min late. Im baffled after all this. And the girl is seriously upset, cant say i blammed her... she stayed in town longer than planned just for this apt, specifically booked the room just for this apt. The apt would of went perfectly as planned. Had he not left AFTER he got the room #!!
Having been left waiting in the parking lot on more than one occasion, I don't wait around long either. But I do give a lady more than 1 minute. Usually 5 minutes then I am gone, hopefully to plan B.


John_Dough's Avatar
I agree. I'll give it a few minutes and try a few more times. One single minute is kind of silly. Almost like it gave him an excuse to back out without looking like he backed out.
chipsandsalsa's Avatar
Please put yourself in this guys mind for a moment....

He drives to the incall, probably in traffic for a while, stressing he might be late, arrives maybe early, parks somewhere, and texts you....no answer...text again....no answer....maybe getting nervous now thinking you NCNS him; maybe people are starting to notice him sitting in a parking lot....texts you again....no answer.....then you do text him with the apt. number, and this guys is stressed out to the max at this point and unloads on you....

Just my opinion, its happened to all of us, waiting for the lady to text you back and you are just sitting somewhere in your car waiting, and stressing out..

To answer your question though, I usually wait 5 or 10 minutes max and then bail and hopefully get an apology...
I have thought about it from his point of view, i always do... i am very understanding and always look at things from both standpoints, but this one had me scratching my head. At this time of night there was no traffic, he has used us before but even if he hadnt... dont ALL the positive reviews and NO negative reviews in 7 years mean anything at all? I mean at least enough to wait more than ONE minute but again he has used us on more than one occasion, and i even thought he and i had a pretty good relationship! We have had no nc/ns issues with him or any of the girls with other guys. I confirmed a number of times...I had just spoke to him prior to apt, claims he is still there at 9:30, send room number at 9:31... and he says he is gone? I mean i understand leaving after 5-10m. But ONE minute?? ONE?? I understand if he was new to using us, i understand if it was a new un known girl... but none of this was the case. BUT then to talk down to me... to degrade me? Really? With no consideration of the situation, in which i explained to him and apologized for. All this "mean" talk when he knows i have taken care of him in the past, when he has always had good experiences.... when he got the room number when he was "still there"....hmmmm... I have to agree with John dough... it seems like something else was up... Never in my 7yrs in the buis have i EVER had a guy leave one min after the apt time. The room # was sent at 9:30 btw, received at 9:31.

He said over and over that i ignored him, even after i explained many many times that my phone was in the other room... i did not ignore him, nor have i ever. But he was not listening to me or hearing what i had to say at all. Claiming this was bad tcb. I just dont see how... double and triple confirmation, address given way in advance, was told i would give room # closer to apt time then room # was received 1m after apt time. Im not a client, but if i was in his shoes.. knowing i have delt with this person on more than one occasion... out of common courtesy i would of waited longer than one minute... i mean phones die, people use the restroom, people get important phone calls... Your apt was at a set time... now if after the SET apt time i was not answeing, i understand concern... but goodness me we are ALL human. In dealing with many women, i have had more men be late than women. Just earlier today a guy was 20m late, which caused the girl to have to push back a doctors apt... because she felt bad about just telling him nevermind! Just saying, a little consideration and thoughtfulness goes a long way. I wish i could go back in time and had not forgot phone in the other room. That small oops on my end cost us a client (In which was both of our choices) but at the same time... if he had been 1minute patient and considerate, he would of had a great time with a beautiful girl. Guys girls are more understanding than some guys lol.

I honestly don't think this has anything to do with your TCB
skills, or your lovely lady. Something was going on with him, and may
be a gift, that he left. He could have had another appointment tightly scheduled after his tryst,
he was upset about. He showed up early, hoping to get in early, to leave early, and when he couldn't,
and could not do both, and drove off.

Bottom line, I don't think it really has anything to do with you.
I can understand how you feel, as my clients are very important to me as well. If something happens,
I try to extend them the benefit of a doubt. As I hope they would extend to me.

Curious to see if he contacts you tomorrow...
Bobave's Avatar
you *did* ignore him... the phone was one room away and you could take 30 seconds to check it or with him...? You acknowledge that he made multiple attempts to contact you and all he got was silence. Learn from it, but don't try to blame the guy...
Whispers's Avatar
In his mind... well... in my mind... If I have an appt at 9:30 I expect to be face to face with a gal at 9:30.

Not waiting for a room number.... walking to a room... knocking on a door... getting greeted..... etc....etc.....

Is it unreasonable?

Probably in a lot of folks eyes ....... but you ladies need to understand the frustration on our side of the table these days......

more and more NCNS happens even though more and more ladies seem to be looking for more business.....

One of the benefits of dealing with an agency is you are normally communicating with a handler up to the time of the appt. not the lady herself.

So it is not unreasonable to expect communication from the handler.....

the girl is on the scene... she is getting ready... she is almost ready... here is the room number..... have a great time.....

It might be less of an expectation with an Indy.....

The economy is stressing many out... this may very well have been the moment he was looking forward to all week.....
Wow.... I am shocked at a few replies... It's not an interview, apologies in advance for who I offend, but when a guy truly wants to get laid, given the circumstance, he would've waited. It was a minute!!! Jesus.

High strung.

Babe let it roll off your back, it's beautiful w how much you care about this, and how appeasing you'd like to be.... But just by your story, that is just absurd.

Will he chime in?
ss4699's Avatar
From a realistic point of view, things can go wrong both ways. Traffic is Austin was aweful on my recent trip there! I used alternate route 4 times in 3 days there. There was a special lady I wanted to meet when I was there. Went I arrived there was a vehicle out from so I did a roll by. And called and left a message. The guy before was running late - it happens. Both sides need to be tolerate of human nature. The lady called within 5 minutes and well, she added a lot of time on the other end. IT WAS THE BEST AUSTIN EXPERIENCE I HAVE EVER HAD! It would have been worth an hour delay to have the out of body experience this lady shared with me. Are some men assholes (sorry I don't use works like this often but it describes the situation) yes. Are some women poor planners - too many. BUT, there are many virtues in life beyond sex. Try caring about each other, it goes both ways and makes a difference in the reality of imperfection which is life for most of us.

Should he expect your full attention, yes. Is he wrong, NO, but as the Mia said, something was going on with the guy and it would have been a bad experience.

So my suggestion would be a "make up offer", something special like Maxie did for me, compensate for the error. And it should go both ways, right guys.
missi hart's Avatar

So my question is how long should you wait before leaving? The fact that you arrived 15-20m early should not factor into how long you waited right? In my eyes this is a nc/ns or even a last minute cancel. Ive spoke to a couple providers and they agreed that he is wrong for leaving. In my eyes and the providers, he is in the wrong. But from the way he talked to me, and the not so nice things he said, well it made me want to get others opinions. Yes i admit i accidently forgot the phone, but was not late in giving the room number. I am human... i certainly would not cancel an apt if the guy showed up on time or 1min late. Im baffled after all this. And the girl is seriously upset, cant say i blammed her... she stayed in town longer than planned just for this apt, specifically booked the room just for this apt. The apt would of went perfectly as planned. Had he not left AFTER he got the room #!! Originally Posted by Hush of Texas
i run with a group of friends where we meet at various places and at various times, usually early. we have a rule that if someone isn't there by 5 minutes of the agreed upon time, the rest of us will go ahead and take off. the point of this is that a 5 minute buffer is generally acceptable. i'm pretty patient so i would expand it to 10 minutes, but i think 5 minutes is reasonable.

i agree with those who feel you shouldn't worry about it too much. you show that you care. and in this instance, i don't think you did anything egregious.
Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 05-30-2012, 05:42 AM
IF it was just a single minute, then yes I think he may have bailed too quickly...sounds a bit strange that a guy would be that upset over a single minute doesn't it?
I would have given it 10 mins then bailed , but if contacted reasonably soon would have turned around and had some fun . Got to wonder how he handles Doctor, Dentist , Lawyer , Hairstylist appointments ? And god forbid have to go to court for a ticket !
governmentguru's Avatar
I'll wait 5-15 mins, depends on my mood. And like rr above, I've turned around and gone back if still close when contacted.
IMO 15 minutes early is just on time. I would have gave it 5 extra minutes then left. I hate to wait on a response. I would have been a little pissed sitting waiting on some sort of response. Within 15 minutes of a scheduled visit I would be expecting some sort of conformation.