Vote On Tuesday

ICU 812's Avatar
I am tired of hearing about those potential voters who cannot seem to gather together the documentation necessary to get a free state issued ID card from their county DMV office. Major elections are two years apart. If you don't have a valid ID yet, you have 24 months to figure it all out before the big show in 2024.

Call the county party headquarters of your choice. Someone there will be happy to facilitate this process for you.

Are you all set, but can not get to a poling place for some reason? Call the county party headquarters of your choice and someone there will figure out how to get you there.

the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
It's like when you assign a lengthy research paper. Someone always shows up and asks for more time after the due date. Usually, they have not even began the research. They started and found out how much stuff was involved. The answer is that you knew the date and that is the date. Instead of failing the assignment, they get a letter grade reduction for each day late. No heartburn for those who can't find their ID or don't have it.