i'm a democrat, but sometimes i dont know.

Why are they mad at the animal lady for killing the lion when that lion would eat you in a heart beat. im a Liberal, but sometimes they go to the extreme like the rush Limbaugh republicans. All the PETA weirdos and the like.
BJerk's Avatar
  • BJerk
  • 11-19-2013, 10:19 PM
Could you post some pictures of yourself to help us while we contemplate the lion's conundrum?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
You're arguing for the lion killer?

Thats what this is about?

Holy chit, girlfriend. I know lots of Democrats who kill lions.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Animals kill each other. Why would anyone expect anything any different.
Unlike the Republicans, there's plenty of room for disagreement among Democrats.

It is weird what sometimes pushes buttons with people. I think this uproar (no pun intended) over the lady killing the lion is being driven primarily by the tree-hugging division of the democratic party. They're probably against all forms of hunting and the lion thing is sort of a poster-child of the anti-hunters. Some scientists argue that there aren't enough lions left and they ought to be placed on the endangered species list and not hunted at all. In fact, I believe the US is contemplating a ban on the importation of lion trophies obtained via hunting. It's causing quite an uproar. Others say that the lion population in many African countries is not only healthy but needs the culling that hunting provides and the idea that the lion is endangered is bullshit.

If I recall correctly, the lady in the lion photo you are referencing shot that lion in South Africa....and that raises a whole different issue. Lions are no longer native to SA and when you hunt one there, it's been bred or imported for hunting purposes. In other words, you're not engaged in a fair-chase hunt. The lion is released a few days or hours before the hunt commences inside of a fenced hunting area and the "hunter" goes in and shoots the lion. This is quite controversial, even in the lion-hunting community. Most folks who hunt lion seriously view the canned South African hunts as unethical.

Also, I think this chick who shot the lion is one of those hunters who hunts constantly and kills lots and lots of animals. That also rubs a lot of people the wrong way.

I wouldn't worry about it. Unlike the Republicans, disagreement about an issue internally doesn't require secession or the formation of a fringe group that dresses up in Revolutionary War costumes.
Animals kill each other. Why would anyone expect anything any different. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
True....but we're the only animals that use an express rifle.

It is weird what sometimes pushes buttons with people. I think this uproar (no pun intended) over the lady killing the lion is being driven primarily by the tree-hugging division of the democratic party. ......... Originally Posted by timpage
I think if you spent time reading the conservative web pages/blogs that covered this story you might form a different opinion. I was surprised by the overwhelming condemnation of the lion killing; the consensus being that man shouldn't be shooting animals he doesn't intend to eat.

As a hunter, I agree. I don't understand trophy hunting, shooting bears and other animals for wall mounts or skins. It is sub-human to do so, in my opinion. And I would outlaw it if I were King.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Unlike the Republicans, there's plenty of room for disagreement among Democrats.

It is weird what sometimes pushes buttons with people. I think this uproar (no pun intended) over the lady killing the lion is being driven primarily by the tree-hugging division of the democratic party. They're probably against all forms of hunting and the lion thing is sort of a poster-child of the anti-hunters. Some scientists argue that there aren't enough lions left and they ought to be placed on the endangered species list and not hunted at all. In fact, I believe the US is contemplating a ban on the importation of lion trophies obtained via hunting. It's causing quite an uproar. Others say that the lion population in many African countries is not only healthy but needs the culling that hunting provides and the idea that the lion is endangered is bullshit.

If I recall correctly, the lady in the lion photo you are referencing shot that lion in South Africa....and that raises a whole different issue. Lions are no longer native to SA and when you hunt one there, it's been bred or imported for hunting purposes. In other words, you're not engaged in a fair-chase hunt. The lion is released a few days or hours before the hunt commences inside of a fenced hunting area and the "hunter" goes in and shoots the lion. This is quite controversial, even in the lion-hunting community. Most folks who hunt lion seriously view the canned South African hunts as unethical.

Also, I think this chick who shot the lion is one of those hunters who hunts constantly and kills lots and lots of animals. That also rubs a lot of people the wrong way.

I wouldn't worry about it. Unlike the Republicans, disagreement about an issue internally doesn't require secession or the formation of a fringe group that dresses up in Revolutionary War costumes. Originally Posted by timpage
Really unfuckingly believable Timmie. Didn't we hear (and you were among them) all about how the GOP was at war with itself last month and the month before. You are really a sorry sack of shit trying to fool this young woman. There are no more conservative democrats, the leadership of the democrats is made up of radical liberals (not the good kind either, the neo-progressive/socialist kind), and they care more about winning elections than doing good for the country. Witness Obamacare. Three years and millions of dollars to do what Google does everyday, not to mention Facebook and Amazon. Failure, just plain old failure because they were so locked into a failed socialist philosophy that they couldn't let anyone in to show them how to do it. The democrats is made up of factions, factions that really don't get along with each other save that they drank the Kool Aid of neo-progressivism whether they know it or not. Don't believe me?
Who is allowing the Iranians to get their nuclear weapon? Now who wants to kill all the gay people and doesn't even acknowledge their existence? So why do gay people support a party that is going to allow a country like Iran to get the means to kill all of them? Environmentalists! They want a beautiful world of balance right? Then why do factions of them want to eliminate billions of people? Look into the zero growth crowd. The enviromentalist banned DDT and millions of died in the third world (16 million according to some estimates) because of malaria mostly children. They knew this would happen because it was brought up during the hearings in 1971. Those same enviromentalists stopped the use of nuclear power that would have replaced all those coal fire electric plants over the last 40 years. Dangerous? Not if done correctly. The US Navy operates over 200 nuclear reactors without an accident. They must be doing something right.
How about electric cars? They require more energy to produce than a regular car. They don't last as long and in the end they pollute more than a normal car because electricity has to be made somewhere to charge them.
I was stationed in San Fransisco when the enviromentalists forced the country into getting rid of paper bags for mylar and plastic. They cost more for the retailer and then 20 years later they changed back to paper because the plastic bags were not biodegradeable and were causing the sea turtles to die.
Take today, the Keystone pipeline will create thousands of jobs and provide much needed energy to the country but the environmentalists want it stopped in the middle after millions have been spent. What is their alternative? Put the oil on ships (that leak) and on trains (with a higher chance of accidents) to get to New Orleans where it can be turned into fuel.
So now you have liberal journalists killing lions, tigers, and bears (oh my!) but you are to give them a pass because of who they are and what they say on TV. Let a regular person kill an animal to protect themselves and the shit hits the fan.
Modern liberalism is a sickness, a mental illness that give a person a free pass for responsible, reasonable thinking because of what they "believe". Gore and Dicaprio both are radical environmentalists, both say the earth is being destroyed, and both say that time is of the essence. Still both of them live extravagant lifestyles and jet around the earth polluting beyond the earth beyond anything that a regular person would do. Insanity is the only answer or, if you give them credit for not being mentally ill, then they are either stupid or frauds.

Did mention those windmills and solar panels that are killing tens of thousands of migratory birds? Also predicted by much smarter people than found in the DNC.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 11-20-2013, 07:55 AM
I think if you spent time reading the conservative web pages/blogs that covered this story you might form a different opinion. I was surprised by the overwhelming condemnation of the lion killing; the consensus being that man shouldn't be shooting animals he doesn't intend to eat.

As a hunter, I agree. I don't understand trophy hunting, shooting bears and other animals for wall mounts or skins. It is sub-human to do so, in my opinion. And I would outlaw it if I were King. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
I think if you spent time reading the conservative web pages/blogs that covered this story you might form a different opinion. I was surprised by the overwhelming condemnation of the lion killing; the consensus being that man shouldn't be shooting animals he doesn't intend to eat.

As a hunter, I agree. I don't understand trophy hunting, shooting bears and other animals for wall mounts or skins. It is sub-human to do so, in my opinion. And I would outlaw it if I were King. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Oh, you might be surprised what I read...but, I hadn't considered that angle. I wouldn't personally shoot a lion but, I wouldn't outlaw it either. It generates revenue for animal conservation causes and there are some areas of Africa where lion populations need to be controlled in order to protect plains game populations and domestic livestock.

There is also the dangerous game hunting aspect of the equation. Unlike you sitting in a blind shooting a helpless deer as it walks up to your corn feeder, hunting lions or other big cats can be quite dangerous, especially if you wound the animal and have to follow it up into the scrub. There's an allure to that for some men....and women apparently.

People eat bears. People eat elephants. People eat cape buffalo, hippopotamus, crocodiles and all other manner of animals that are also hunted for "trophy" purposes. Would you outlaw hunting those animals as well if, god fucking forbid, you ever became King?

The point however...is that there are thousands of photographs out there of men with their dead lion trophies. Why is this photo generating such controversy?
Really unfuckingly believable Timmie. Didn't we hear (and you were among them) all about how the GOP was at war with itself last month and the month before. You are really a sorry sack of shit trying to fool this young woman. There are no more conservative democrats, the leadership of the democrats is made up of radical liberals (not the good kind either, the neo-progressive/socialist kind), and they care more about winning elections than doing good for the country. Witness Obamacare. Three years and millions of dollars to do what Google does everyday, not to mention Facebook and Amazon. Failure, just plain old failure because they were so locked into a failed socialist philosophy that they couldn't let anyone in to show them how to do it. The democrats is made up of factions, factions that really don't get along with each other save that they drank the Kool Aid of neo-progressivism whether they know it or not. Don't believe me?
Who is allowing the Iranians to get their nuclear weapon? Now who wants to kill all the gay people and doesn't even acknowledge their existence? So why do gay people support a party that is going to allow a country like Iran to get the means to kill all of them? Environmentalists! They want a beautiful world of balance right? Then why do factions of them want to eliminate billions of people? Look into the zero growth crowd. The enviromentalist banned DDT and millions of died in the third world (16 million according to some estimates) because of malaria mostly children. They knew this would happen because it was brought up during the hearings in 1971. Those same enviromentalists stopped the use of nuclear power that would have replaced all those coal fire electric plants over the last 40 years. Dangerous? Not if done correctly. The US Navy operates over 200 nuclear reactors without an accident. They must be doing something right.
How about electric cars? They require more energy to produce than a regular car. They don't last as long and in the end they pollute more than a normal car because electricity has to be made somewhere to charge them.
I was stationed in San Fransisco when the enviromentalists forced the country into getting rid of paper bags for mylar and plastic. They cost more for the retailer and then 20 years later they changed back to paper because the plastic bags were not biodegradeable and were causing the sea turtles to die.
Take today, the Keystone pipeline will create thousands of jobs and provide much needed energy to the country but the environmentalists want it stopped in the middle after millions have been spent. What is their alternative? Put the oil on ships (that leak) and on trains (with a higher chance of accidents) to get to New Orleans where it can be turned into fuel.
So now you have liberal journalists killing lions, tigers, and bears (oh my!) but you are to give them a pass because of who they are and what they say on TV. Let a regular person kill an animal to protect themselves and the shit hits the fan.
Modern liberalism is a sickness, a mental illness that give a person a free pass for responsible, reasonable thinking because of what they "believe". Gore and Dicaprio both are radical environmentalists, both say the earth is being destroyed, and both say that time is of the essence. Still both of them live extravagant lifestyles and jet around the earth polluting beyond the earth beyond anything that a regular person would do. Insanity is the only answer or, if you give them credit for not being mentally ill, then they are either stupid or frauds. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
You've lost your fucking mind.
You've lost your fucking mind. Originally Posted by timpage
In order for JD Idiot to lose his mind, we would first need to confirm that he has a mind to lose.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Timmie you've already demonstrated a lack of character and rampant mental instability on just this thread.