Guys, Would You Agree to This Verification Process?

Found the following in a showcase. If I understand it correctly, the lady still requires your RL information IN ADDITION to P411/ECCIE information. Now, I readily admit that the lady can set up any verification process she wants, but I was also curious as to how many would agree to go through it.

Now, I personally, wouldn't give that info to anyone, especially since I have a long-standing P411 acct. It's a system that just begs to be abused. But she must be successful in her requirements.

Just wanted to throw it out for discussion. Here's her requirements from her showcase:

Hello Gentleman,

My Name Is Cecilia I Am Passionate & Romantic In What I Do & Love Getting To Know You So We Can Have The Best Experience Possible... I Have Nice Curves, A Beautiful Smile, & Skills That Will Leave You Feeling Breathless & Amazed.. I Hope We Can Shares This Experience Soon I Love Meeting Fun,Respectful, & Mature Men..

Verifying: PLEASE Include

Name: Number: Employment & Number: Handle: Email:
3 Reputable Independent Provider References That You Have Seen Within 7 Months.

** ALL REFERENCES MUST Have An Account On Eccie & Or P411 Or They Will Not Be Accpeted**

I am very strict on my screening and there are no exceptions I hope you can respect that and hope to see you soon... At This Time I Am Not Newbie Friendly.. I also have p411 under Cecilia88

RATES: Discounts May Be Available But There Will Be NO NEGOTIATIONS At All..

Incall Only Is As Follows:

15min: $60
30min: $120
60min: $180
90min: $250

Outcall Only Is As Follows:

30min: $160
60min: $260
90min: $320
120min: $400

If you try and get around this by my other various advertising techniques then dont be upset if another type of action were to take place. Because if I DONT feel safe I will NOT take you in and I mean that. So please please make it worth our wild and make this something that will not be a chance to go to become a dissapointment. Only A Few Actually Understand why I do things the way I do and trust me its for nothing but good intentions... kisses
I see the above blue/bold statement as at a minimum, a veiled threat, and at a maximum, as a bold threat.
You'd be surprised how many gents have no problem with supplying their real life information. If gathering certain information is the way she considers protecting herself then so be it.

If you don't like it move on, but this whole " I would never give here my RL info!" bit is getting kinda old as there are just as many hot providers who don't require this info as there are ladies who do.

A better question could be what is your limit on the amount of identifying personal information you would volunteer to a lady? Or why do some guys have no problem being work verified and some don't? Or how does a lady go about putting together her screening requirements and why does she feel more comfortable requiring certain things.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 03-14-2012, 06:43 AM
If it was me, I would walk on bye. I have gotten to the point I have enough references I do not feel the need to give out my personal info.

As to the "threat", it can certainly be read that way, or as a no-show kind of thing--I have no idea which her intent is, but neather makes me want to go there.

Real life info is far more of a risk to some people than others. I could see some guys having no problem with her requests--just not me. Maybe sometime in the future when I'm fully retired I could see doing it, I don't know.
if you won't accept p411what is the use of being a member?
Hmm, I would not be able to meet any of her screening requirements, except for a ECCIE account. But we all notice different things in an ad.

I doubt I would have any interest in a gal who advertises a 15 minute rate. Taking into account the open door, some subtle greetings, financial transaction, undress, open condom package, apply condom, pound the kitty, discard condom, dress, subtle goodby, walk out door, I think I overstayed my 15 minutes...

I think I have to agree with Ms. Cruz on this one, the whole screening issue comes down to these two points:

1. What screening requirements does a lady have to use to make her comfortable? How does she incorporate that screening process into her business plan to allow her to see the required number of guys at the required price point to meet the financials of her business plan? REMEMBER: From the ladies standpoint, this is strictly a business. Any side benefits like orgasms or meeting new friends is just a fringe to be enjoyed, in terms of the Cajuns from south Louisiana, langniappe. (Look it up on google if you are not familiar with the term.)

2. What screening process is the guy willing to undergo in order to get his rocks off? Is this gal's screening requirements to in-depth to allow him a comfort level before, during and after the session? If it crosses his imagginary line in the sand, then he moves on to the next. This line in the sand is not a fixed point. The screening he is willing to endure for a known lady, with true bona fides from other ECCIE members, P411, etc. versus the latest flash in the pan provider found on BP may be worlds apart. Recognize that a total lack of screening by a gal can be a red flag that she does not take her safety and your safety serious, and can just as easily result in the guy moving on.

When point 1 and point 2 intersect, then the possibility of an encounter increases.
Naomi4u's Avatar
edit: Not even worth it.

Personally, guys give me their information all the time. They can trust me with that information or not. If they have p411 ,all the better - they don't need to give me their real info then. I don't put a gun to their head and demand it. If a guy tells me he has no references, I ask for his full name and employment info. Is that a problem? NO. Charles, If you were a pretty girl selling your body would you see anyone and everyone that sent you an email without making sure that person wan't a sex offender or worse? I guess not. In this world, there isn't a union, there isn't a hooker police. Our pussy, our rules. I'm just saying lol.
gimme_that's Avatar
She got rates as low as 60 bucks per fuck. I wouldn't put it past her for a second to extort in a time of need.

Just tip the guy at subway and tell him to vouch for you when she might call. She can't be expecting too much.
Cpalmson's Avatar
The way I read it, something bad happened to her in the past or knows personally of a situation where something went wrong. I really don't see any threat-- veiled or otherwise. As mentioned earlier, I find it a bit amusing that she requires so much screening info, yet her rates are rock bottom. Usually it is the other way around-- low rates; no (or limited) screening. High rates-- lots of hoops to jump through.

As for me, I'd never consider seeing her based on her screening. I just paid my $89 to renew P411. If that isn't good enough, then someone needs a reality check.
Naomi4u's Avatar
She got rates as low as 60 bucks per fuck. I wouldn't put it past her for a second to extort in a time of need.

Just tip the guy at subway and tell him to vouch for you when she might call. She can't be expecting too much. Originally Posted by gimme_that
You are so WRONG!
So true though.
Brooke Wilde's Avatar
She got rates as low as 60 bucks per fuck. I wouldn't put it past her for a second to extort in a time of need.
Originally Posted by gimme_that
LOL ... me either.
Sweet N Little's Avatar
Just sounds like she's trying to play safe and who can find fault in that?
Her biz, her rules.
There are many people that would appreciate her being so cautious and might opt for her based just on that alone, well almost lol.

She has the right to do business any way she wants, but I wouldn't volunteer all of that info. I ran into a similar situation with a provider who asked for personal info, but after she had ok'd me on P411. I declined to give it to her and didn't see her.
We all do what makes us feel comfortable.
shorty's Avatar
Well I don't have P411 and I wouldn't give up my personal info. Sure I might would tell them my first name and what I do. However, I'm pretty vague on occupation. Only 1 lady knows my name, occupation, and where I live.
Outdoorsman's Avatar
I give my handle on here, PM her to verify it is actually me. I give her first name, my hobby email, my hobby phone number, two refs, and that's it. If that does not pass screening, have a good day.

I had a travelling provider insist on verifying my employment once. I emailed her back, explaining I understood she has to do what makes her feel safe and I appreicate her doing a thorough job screening, but I am uncomfortable releasing that info. We parted on good terms and I never saw her.

I know a lot of men give up everything in personal info, that is their choice. And some of these are blackmailed or attmepted to be blackmailed and they wonder how and why, lol. I do not give out personal info, I do not show ID when I arrive and Icertainly do not sign any document presented to me, lol.
Charles, If you were a pretty girl selling your body would you see anyone and everyone that sent you an email without making sure that person wan't a sex offender or worse? I guess not. In this world, there isn't a union, there isn't a hooker police. Our pussy, our rules. I'm just saying lol. Originally Posted by ZarahAdams
Z, you're (again) twisting what I wrote. I don't expect any lady to see "anyone and everyone that sent you an email without making sure that person wan't a sex offender or worse." She says she doesn't see newbies. That scenario is excluded. So, she's seeing verified guys. Apparently, you didn't read in my initial post that it is her right to set the rules. The only thing I was asking (and not to you, but to the guys) is would the guys see her given these hoops?

There seem to be mixed responses. Some guys would, it seems; most guys wouldn't. I wouldn't, but not for just that reason. There are others.