Guy posting he saw me but did not.

How can I prove that a guy saying he saw me didn't actually see me? He is making false statements and I have all of our text messages to prove I never saw him. Would I forward those screenshots of the messages to a mod to get his false Statements on a review and on the board removed?
SpiceItUp's Avatar
No matter what nothing will be removed. If you believe a review to be fraudulent please email everything you have to or PM myself or another moderator. We will look into it.

Most of the time it is a "he said, she said" where the truth is impossible to discern, and we do nothing. However, if we come to the conclusion that your assertion is true we will take it off your profile and mark it as fake inside the review itself.

You are welcome to call him out in the Coed forums by making a rebuttal thread so you can tell your side of the story. If you like we can link your response to the review as well.

Good luck,
No matter what nothing will be removed. If you believe a review to be fraudulent please email everything you have to or PM myself or another moderator. We will look into it.

Most of the time it is a "he said, she said" where the truth is impossible to discern, and we do nothing. However, if we come to the conclusion that your assertion is true we will take it off your profile and mark it as fake inside the review itself.

You are welcome to call him out in the Coed forums by making a rebuttal thread so you can tell your side of the story. If you like we can link your response to the review as well.

Good luck,
Originally Posted by SpiceItUp
I think you miss understood me. It's not a review. It's a comment under the review from a guy name Spider man stating negative things about me. He has never seen me and I can actually forward a eccie private message from him where he says " I should've sucked his cock and now because I didn't see him my business will be fucked up"

I'd like it to be known he did not see me therefore his comment is fake and he is being spiteful because of the alert I posted on him.

This guy has multiple handles mr. bambino is him alpina is also him. I also have proof of this as well as he sent me the same Id for each handle when I was screening him.
SpiceItUp's Avatar
Ahh I see. Well we do not censor member content here except under very specific and limited circumstances. If he is giving you a hard time feel free to call his ass out in a coed thread.

As to the multiple handles, we will look into it.
I'd rather forward his pm's to a moderator and have y'all do the job of banning him or whatever you see fit.

To me that's the most logical and drama free way. Are we allowed to forward pm's to prove to moderators that someone is harassing us and admitting to posting lies about seeing me?

No need to get in a pissing match with someone that has a history of assaulting woman and ripping them off. My safety comes first.

Read the above link: This guy has ran over a girls foot with his car in the past.

He has had multiple handles
Kingman, Slinky,Jfish,NHL, Jimbo34, Smasher TexasXXX, HotDogBronx, alpina, mr. Bambino, Spider man, and now catsonice. Yet his is still not banned. His current handles are not banned. I have proof he has multiple handles from text messages and he keeps using the same old student ID every time and same two phone numbers.