Goodbye... I'm Just Saying...

My Dear Friends:

My entire life, this one and my personal life, have been hacked and threatened. It is for this reason that I am leaving the business.

I will miss you all, but the threat to my life (and the outing thereof) is just to great a price to pay.

This person lives among us all. We trusted him as one of us.

Because of the threats and his actions to date, I cannot and WILL NOT disclose his name. Just know that those you think are your friends ARE NOT. DO NOT SHARE YOUR INFORMATION WITH ANYONE!!! DO NOT TRUST ANYONE!!! DO NOT GIVE YOUR REAL NAME TO ANYONE!!!

For those of you who know me, you know what my leaving the business will do to my livelihood and subsequently, my family.

I'm so sorry I had to go away like this. All of my accounts, personal, private, etc. are being disabled right now. You will not have ANY way to contact me.

I'm so sorry to have to say goodbye in this manner. I wish it were with happy thoughts. From the bottom of my heart, I wish you all well and good luck with these and your future endeavors.

Endearingly, Aidan MacKenna
tikkler33's Avatar
I'm sorry to hear about such terrible things being done to you. I understand your fear at this time, but if there is any way you can at least let the mods know who did this to you, it would help to get people like this out of our little community, and to let others know not to trust him.
Good luck to you and your family.
bbkid's Avatar
  • bbkid
  • 11-15-2011, 12:02 PM
Aidan, I hate to hear this news. Please, before you close your account here, let the someone know who it is.
I understand your desire to know who this person is, but you simply DO NOT understand what he is doing to my life, second by second. It is an immobilizing rape. You may ask why I am still posting today, well, I want as many people to read my warning as possible before I close my account AND he has hacked this account as well and the only way for him to stay out of this account is for me to stay logged in. So, for a little while longer... I'm just saying...
Ok I think Aidan you should at least allow other providers to contact you discreetly to get his information. Just leaving the biz and not telling anyone about who this guy is does a disservice to other ladies whom he might perpetuate this on as well.
Fancyinheels's Avatar
Oh, no, Aidan.... this hobby loses one of the best, brightest, and most beautiful providers inside and out with your departure. I am SOOO sorry, hon.

An appropriate Gaelic blessing for cleansing the past, with Irish luck for the future:

May the blessing of the rain be on you—
the soft sweet rain.
May it fall upon your spirit
so that all the little flowers may spring up,
and shed their sweetness on the air.
May the blessing of the great rains be on you,
may they beat upon your spirit
and wash it fair and clean,
and leave there many a shining pool
where the blue of heaven shines,
and sometimes a star.
Oh sweetie I am sorry this has happened to you, you are a very sweet person and do not deserve this . Take care of yourself doll you will be missed ..
Tobor the 8th Man's Avatar

I'm gobsmacked. As I told you not that long ago, you are the gold standard of providers. While it's been a while since we last met, I always knew you were a phone call away. It's hard to see that door close.
I dont know you, but wish you the best in whatever you chose to do. Freakin terrorists they can terrorize in so many ways. Hate to see this happen to anyone... good luck to you.
tikkler33's Avatar
Even though you are very scared right now, remember that what this guy is doing is probably criminal on several levels. Please consider going to the police so that he can't do this to someone else.
Smoke2nd's Avatar
Never had the pleasure to meet yo, but I gotta say that I'm very concerned for your well being from what you have stated. I cannot imagine what has happened.
I thank you for the advice.
YIKES ???!!!!!!!

this is nuts...some loser who's lost his mind...

be safe girl
Brooke Wilde's Avatar
Oh, no, Aidan.... this hobby loses one of the best, brightest, and most beautiful providers inside and out with your departure. I am SOOO sorry, hon. Originally Posted by Fancyinheels
I was thinking the same thing. I hate that this has happened to you. I will keep you in my prayers. I hope girls heed your advice about not getting too close or being overly trusting with these guys. Alot of the time these board guys are not who they seem. Some sick'os are indeed among us.

All the best Aidan
Brooke Wilde's Avatar
Even though you are very scared right now, remember that what this guy is doing is probably criminal on several levels. Please consider going to the police so that he can't do this to someone else. Originally Posted by tikkler33

I agree. You may find LE to be much more understanding then you think they would be. sad.....but there are "hobbiest" that do really stupid insane things....and those few give the rest of us a bad name.........

Take care, wish you the best.....