Why have a eccie houston?


There are too many trolls getting away with too much alias hate here. Will our moderators please consider cleaning the atmosphere. The purpose of this board is to advance the "hobby". These hateful and derogatory posts are countering that goal. In essence, much of this has turned into a Jay and Silent Bob fest. Posters simply being asshats because of the anonymity.

Guys, so you find a girl is not the picture of your feminine perfection, that is no reason to bash. Just leave her alone. She may be top shelf to another man, but your discouragement will not help him find her. So, you feel the asking donation for time spent together is too high? Are you really the greatest catch? If you are posting here, you are no "Channing Tatum" to her, lest she would be spreading for her pleasure who cares about you?And to that, isn't the "donation" really defined as "just how little compensation is the provider is willing to accept to touch and/or be touched by YOU and your crusty lil buddy"? If you don't like the price don't shop at that store. Do you go to JC Penny and demand Dollar Tree pricing?

I enjoy a good throat punch thread as much as the next guy, and some shit here is really funny. I am talking about the pure and simple mean shit that has no place.

So. Mods. I understand there are rules, but remember, there is the letter of the law and there is the intent. What is the intent of eccie and are you, as a moderator, acting in a manner that best serves and protects it.

Let the trolling begin.
Less than two months here... You are the expert...

I read three lines into your post.

You time here is limited... So just spit it out...
Samcro84's Avatar
Damn U12b8 you are really crawling out on the limb. Houston is not the only city thread like your comments.

So just spit it out... Originally Posted by lookn4boobies
Ah, so you swallow? Ic. What ever.

Thanks sam, I don't see as crawling on a limb so much as, damn, something needed to be said. I know these are big girls, but damn. Appreciate your post.
Sam, why retract?
two words:.......

......ghost town
But why do you have to incorporate my lines into your rant like thats not going to make people think your me? Grrrr
pyramider's Avatar
Ah, so you swallow? Ic. What ever.

Thanks sam, I don't see as crawling on a limb so much as, damn, something needed to be said. I know these are big girls, but damn. Appreciate your post. Originally Posted by u12b8

Who is violating the guidelines? RTM the post then the modtards could take care of it. The problem is are the guidelines being violated? After you swallow, you might want to read up on the 33,000 guidelines.
... you might want to read up on the 33,000 guidelines. Originally Posted by pyramider

Oh hell no
But why do you have to incorporate my lines into your rant like thats not going to make people think your me? Grrrr Originally Posted by Dorthy_Monroe
No one who reads anything here will think that it is you. You are very direct and very outspoken. You are welcome for the publicity though

Besides, we all know you're DG (j/k)
I agree with L4B.

Honestly - you might as well say "everyone, get smarter" because the trolls really take advantage of a lot of dumbass comments.
No one who reads anything here will think that it is you. You are very direct and very outspoken. You are welcome for the publicity though

Besides, we all know you're DG (j/k) Originally Posted by u12b8
I am not DG because DG didnt like me and im not about to argue with myself like who does that
SpiceItUp's Avatar
It sounds great and perfectly reasonable. Like when people say they want "world peace".

Please point out the specific guidelines that could be used to implement this Eutopyian vision of Eccie you have in mind.

Then, please lay out in detail the exact criteria or interpretations for those guidelines that could be applied in a consistent fashion.

Then, consider all the other possible criteria and interpretations that could exist and ask yourself why yours is the correct one.

Then, taking that into account, bring it to the forum at large or even just the moderator staff sitewide and try to achieve consensus.

I anxiously await the results...
Less than two months here... You are the expert...

I read three lines into your post.

You time here is limited... So just spit it out... Originally Posted by lookn4boobies
Ah, so you swallow? Ic. What ever.

Thanks sam, I don't see as crawling on a limb so much as, damn, something needed to be said. I know these are big girls, but damn. Appreciate your post. Originally Posted by u12b8
l4b gave his opinion, and you immediately insulted and discredited him, after a long ass post complaining about insults and general meanness on our board? Stunning. Like WU giving a dissertation on tact. If you're NOT going to live up to your own standards, why not fall back instead of preaching to others? Or does this only apply to people you like/agree with you explicitly and enthusiastically?

And the more important question: Is what goes on in on the board affecting your dick? I really would like to know.
Thanks, good response. You've always done a good job Spice.

As to detailing, naw, I don't have time to get that involved, just trying to bring to our attention a trend I've seen for a while. Like I said, I'm sure people are on the right side of the line per the letter, but perhaps not the intent. Idk. If this board turns into a complete shit hole, will the real (ymmv) talent stay? Will potential new talent join?

It sounds great and perfectly reasonable. Like when people say they want "world peace".

Please point out the specific guidelines that could be used to implement this Eutopyian vision of Eccie you have in mind.

Then, please lay out in detail the exact criteria or interpretations for those guidelines that could be applied in a consistent fashion.

Then, consider all the other possible criteria and interpretations that could exist and ask yourself why yours is the correct one.

Then, taking that into account, bring it to the forum at large or even just the moderator staff sitewide and try to achieve consensus.

I anxiously await the results... Originally Posted by SpiceItUp