Dinner tonight..May post this a bit

Victoria Columbari's Avatar
I am always interested in what other people are cooking up or if letting someone else doing the cooking where and if its a great place to eat. So tell me what you making...
I am having blueberry scone (PM if you want yummy recipe) with honey vanilla greek yogurt.
Loxly's Avatar
  • Loxly
  • 04-09-2014, 05:51 PM
I made sweet n' sour chicken. I needed a break from beef and pork.
Victoria Columbari's Avatar
Awesome Loxly. Not a big fan of sweet and sour chicken; i love chicken with peppers.
Prime rib with steamed veggies and creme brûlée made by me!
Victoria Columbari's Avatar
Annika that sounds awesome. Hope you enjoyed it.
NipLover's Avatar
I make an awesome creme brulee
Victoria Columbari's Avatar
Last night I had homemade chili and cornbread. Yummy. Ohhhh chili thread coming...
Poet Laureate's Avatar
My own pork stew:
A small pork roast
half a dozen small red potatoes, cut in half
a bag of baby carrots
a small red onion cut into quarters
2 cans of Golden Mushroom soup
Put everything in a Crockpot on high for 4-5 hours
Victoria Columbari's Avatar
Poet Laureate that sounds yummy; I may try that in a day or two. Always looking for good crock pot recipes.
Poet Laureate's Avatar
Let me know how it turns out. A hint: when it's done and has cooked down, you'll want to spoon the liquid fat off the top. That'll save a few calories. Enjoy!
Victoria Columbari's Avatar
I didn't find Golden Mushroom soup at HEB; is using Cambells creamy mushroom soup okay?
Poet Laureate's Avatar
No, it ruins the intended flavor. Try Randalls.
Westside Night prowler's Avatar
bacon wrapped Doves stuffed with jalapeños on the grill with jalapeño and cheese venison Bacon wrapped chop steak
Loxly's Avatar
  • Loxly
  • 05-13-2014, 01:20 PM
If you're looking for something new might I suggest registering at Kraft's website for newsletters. Some good stuff there.

Chicken fried mule deer steak with garlic mashed potatoes and gravy...