Sometimes Loyality Sucks

Exchequer's Avatar
Last night I finally bit the bullet and picked me up a new iPhone 11. Not because I wanted to but my 6s which I had for years finally started to die. This is the first time I have upgraded since you have to now pay for the phones. I guess that's why I held off as long as I did.

So I log into to ATT and check out the various phones. Pretty much I am adding $25/month to my bill just to have a new phone. I saw other offers for brand new subscribers where they get the phone for free by jumping from their original carrier to ATT.

That really sucks. New customers get a better deal than the regular loyal customer. I have been a customer for years so it seems to me I have to switch providers every-time I upgrade just to get a fair deal. Not just a fair deal, a much better deal.

Well I'm sure this only exists in the world of cell phone carriers.
black friday is the time to buy, you could of gotten one for free, all online, no waiting in lines
Exchequer's Avatar
black friday is the time to buy, you could of gotten one for free, all online, no waiting in lines Originally Posted by scottprestons

I looked at the deals but they all involved adding an additional line and I wasn't having issues. Now it got so bad, I couldn't wait another week. Thanks!
Haven't you figured out that ATT repays loyalty with a good screwing? I battle it every year with ATT internet and DirecTV
All the major companies are like that..ive had the same account for 20 years and new customers get a better deal.
Exchequer's Avatar
All the major companies are like that..ive had the same account for 20 years and new customers get a better deal. Originally Posted by pluckmeup

And a lot of companies do that including Cox. I had enough of their BS and turned in all my stuff and went with Ozarks Go. You know now, I am loving the phone and I guess I will get used to the extra cost. It's nice not having to charge it after unplugging it for 90 minutes.
austin88998833's Avatar
AT&T sucks balls!!
AT&T sucks balls!! Originally Posted by austin88998833
I don’t know any of the cell phone or TV companies that don’t suck. All of them will take advantage of their loyal customers if you let them. I stick with the same phone company because if nothing else they at least provide me coverage where I need it. The tv company on the other hand got told to pound sand. I guess I am now officially a 2 year customer or until the special runs out and I swap again.
I don’t know any of the cell phone or TV companies that don’t suck. All of them will take advantage of their loyal customers if you let them. I stick with the same phone company because if nothing else they at least provide me coverage where I need it. The tv company on the other hand got told to pound sand. I guess I am now officially a 2 year customer or until the special runs out and I swap again. Originally Posted by niteswimmer1
I made the switch to Straight Talk a few years ago. Yes I buy my phone up front but my monthly charge hasn't gone up since I joined. Best part is that they use Verizon towers so I have no problems with service
DallasRain's Avatar
Good thing some providers take loyalty seriously!

Yeah cell phones services suck!
You had to know it was coming...

Exchequer's Avatar
You had to know it was coming...

Originally Posted by Johnsson