well i am home..but

DallasRain's Avatar
i made it home this weekend only to end up in the ER!
i had been sick w allergies and swollen tonsils all week...then my hotel room in omaha had the heat go out so I froze for two days!!
i did teledoc and he said it was just slight sinus drainage....but I went to er saturday at home anyways only to find out it was tonsilitis/minor strep and that i was almost over it(ending days of it)..thank god!!
he said otherwise i was in good health!
then he gave me two shots in my butt..lol
penicilian and a steriod shot which he said kicks it out of my system faster..

my hubby lysoled and sterlized my bedding and the entire house..made me homemade chicken noodle soup...bought me humidifier and a ionizer which removes house toxins.

... so today i woke up to 90percent of health! the doc says by tomorrw im good to go at whatever i wanna do.
so as of wednesday Im gonna be horny as hell and ready for fun!

AND the good news is that while I was gone,my son remolded my bathroom so now I have a working shower!!

i have missed yall!!!!
Hot Summer's Avatar
So glad you got better !
That all sounds so horrible
DallasRain's Avatar
yea it wasnt fun lol
but im 95 percent good today...thanks
doc said at im healthy except for that and allergies...thank god i have never gotten covid and dont plan too!!
Rooter's Avatar
Glad your better and home.
DallasRain's Avatar

good news..I am headed night and feeling like I can conquer the world tomorrow! The doc saying me being generally healthy helps!

and Im so excited bout my remolded bathroom..my son did a great job..he said it was my birthday gift!
He even put a row of tin in ther lower half of shower stall cause he know i liked that look...and did a cool rustic two-toned fake wood floor in!