Asshole tRump guilty of sexual abuse and defamation

rmg_35's Avatar
Jury finds Trump sexually abused and defamed E. Jean Carroll:

The jury, which was made up of six men and three women, took less than three hours to reach a unanimous verdict, awarding Carroll a total of $5 million in damages.
bambino's Avatar
�� EXCLUSIVE: Former President Trump told Fox News Digital that he will appeal the ruling the E. Jean Carroll case, saying he has "absolutely no idea" who she is, while blasting the verdict as a "disgrace" and "a continuation of the greatest political witch hunt in history."
berryberry's Avatar
To let you know how utterly awful her story was, a crazy ass leftist Trump-hating jury found the allegations of rape were false, and ruled in Trump's favor on that key claim. They knew the accusation was made up but they wanted to "get Trump" for something because they are a bunch of delusional leftists with TDS

The Carroll Case was orchestrated and funded by the biggest Trump-Hating Democrats in the country. Anyone not ill informed nor inflected with TDS sees right through it.

The big flaw is Trump-haters' belief that ordinary Americans will accept the action of one sided juries and judges in leftist shitholes as an honest, non-partisan judgment of the facts. Problem for them is nobody in America believes judges or juries anymore.
$5 million, trumpy bear. Pay up, you fucking scumbag.

Gonna be a LONG summer for him and his cult. They'll all be working overtime making up even crazier bullshit conspiracy theories than before 🤣
HDGristle's Avatar
I'm in America. I believe justice was served. Another loss for absolutism.

And good for E. Jean Carroll. What he did to her was appalling. I hope this helps her and other victims like her breathe a small sigh of relief that there is still justice in America.
berryberry's Avatar
LOL, the delusions of the "Got Trump" left continue

I suspect the crazy bitch will never see a dime. The partisan leftist jury found she was not credible on her claim that Trump raped her

The same Manhattan jury then finds Trump liable for defamation for saying that he didn't rape her and she was lying.

Only in a liberal shithole with a delusional Trump hating judge and jury could you get this result

As Alan Dershowitz notes "This is an appeal that should be won
HDGristle's Avatar
SAD (Sexual Abuser & Defamer) Donald Trump works for me.
berryberry's Avatar
The idiocy of the crazy ass leftists continues

If it had been anyone but Trump this case would've been laughed out of court.

-jury system is broken (she couldn't even remember what year the alleged abuse happened)
-judiciary is broken (judge was highly partisan)
-legislative branch is broken (changed the law to get Trump)

This shows just how idiotic it is. GOP presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy comes to Trump's defense following the E. Jean Carroll verdict: "...this seems like just another part of the establishment’s anaphylactic response against its chief political allergen: Donald Trump."

Jacuzzme's Avatar
If it had been anyone but Trump this case would've been laughed out of court. Originally Posted by berryberry
Exactly like Bragg’s “case” that every alphabet agency already said wasn’t a crime. In the end, it’ll end up with the accuser paying Trumps legal bills, like Horseface was ordered to do.
bambino's Avatar
Exactly like Bragg’s “case” that every alphabet agency already said wasn’t a crime. In the end, it’ll end up with the accuser paying Trumps legal bills, like Horseface was ordered to do. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme

This is just a distraction ahead of Comers revelations on the Biden crime family tomorrow and the invasion on the southern border on Thursday
Jury finds Trump sexually abused and defamed E. Jean Carroll:

The jury, which was made up of six men and three women, took less than three hours to reach a unanimous verdict, awarding Carroll a total of $5 million in damages. Originally Posted by rmg_35
... You surely seem disappointed there, mate...
You so much wanted the Rape verdict. ...

But no matter - it will be overturned on appeal.

... The onley reason the jury went that-way
was so their names and addresses are not released
by the liberal media. ... And if-so "Look! We got Trump!"
and "Please don't harm us - we did the best we could"...

But NOW the bar is lowered - just bring yer
sexual harassment lawsuits... No evidence needed.

#### Salty
Any reasonable person can see that Trump is a piece of shit. I have friends who voted for him and even they admit it.
... The onley reason the jury went that-way
was so their names and addresses are not released
by the liberal media. ... And if-so "Look! We got Trump!"
and "Please don't harm us - we did the best we could"...

And the far-right media, wouldn't to release their names because they are such truthful, fair-minded blokes? or because they don't know who they are?
�� EXCLUSIVE: Former President Trump told Fox News Digital that he will appeal the ruling the E. Jean Carroll case, saying he has "absolutely no idea" who she is, while blasting the verdict as a "disgrace" and "a continuation of the greatest political witch hunt in history." Originally Posted by bambino
I can believe it. He probably abused so many women by just kissing them, without waiting and grabbing, their pussy. That he has no idea who any of them are
Did anyone see her cnn interview. Was there any evidence he was even there with her?