There was a murder on CNN tonight

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President Trump just destroyed CNN town hall host Kaitlin Collins and the crowd loved it.

President Trump just did an hour in the lion’s den on CNN. Taking everything they can dish out at him and handling it great, without notes. Can you imagine Senile Biden doing an hour on Fox News? Would never happen. Senile Biden isn’t mentally or physically capable of doing it.

To put it in perspective: CNN town hall host Kaitlin Collins had a team of producers, researchers and directors in her ear to team up against Trump... and he STILL made her look like a clown.

Some highlights to follow
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Donald Trump when asked about if he wants Ukraine or Russia to win the war:

“I don’t think in terms of winning & losing. I think I’m terms of getting it settled so we stop killing all these people”

Calls for European nations to take in the brunt of the cost

Massive Audience Applause as the people want no part of this war.

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President Trump on open borders Democrats: "These people are sick. Anybody that wants this to happen to our country, they’re destroying our country, and this should not be allowed to happen."

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President Trump Brings the Receipts

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President Trump when asked what the first thing he would do to bring down rising costs: “Drill baby, Drill.”

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President TRUMP: “A person named Ashli Babbitt was killed. You know what? She was killed and she shouldn't have been killed — and that thug that killed her — there was no reason to shoot her.”
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After Trump destroys CNN, Trump voters continue the demolition.

This clip is perfection.
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And the DNC leftist media and others were in shambles afterwards

Jake Tapper was nearly in tears

AOC lost it

CNN should be ashamed of themselves.

They have lost total control of this “town hall” to again be manipulated into platforming election disinformation, defenses of Jan 6th, and a public attack on a sexual abuse victim.

The audience is cheering him on and laughing at the host.

At least Former Democratic Presidential Candidate Andrew Young was honest - This #CNNTownhall is shaping up to be a clear win for Trump, certainly in the Republican field and probably overall.

The freakout over CNN “giving Donald Trump a platform” is so telling.. Its the same panic they had when Elon Musk bought Twitter.

The second the DNC media lose the ability to have control over the narrative, they melt down because they can’t handle having their worldview challenged.
bambino's Avatar
I wonder how Joey Bribes would have held up like Trump did last night? They would have taken him out in a wheelchair. Or stretcher.

I had bourbon coming out of my nose when he called her a “nasty person”!!!!!!!!!!!
Orange Turds cult probably loved it. He got his biggest applause when he rudely called her a nasty person. Only a simpleton would find rudeness a good quality in a president. Again, showing off his divisiveness.
berryberry's Avatar
I wonder how Joey Bribes would have held up like Trump did last night? They would have taken him out in a wheelchair. Or stretcher.

I had bourbon coming out of my nose when he called her a “nasty person”!!!!!!!!!!! Originally Posted by bambino
Well first, it was past Senile Biden's bedtime

And second, Senile Biden would have shit himself, again, and wouldn't have lasted 5 minutes with the same type of nasty media Trump faced
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Trump’s Glorious Town Hall Performance Might’ve Delivered the Final Killshot to CNN

President Trump appeared on far-left CNN for 70 minutes last night and just might have delivered the killshot to a propaganda outlet that was already taking a ten count in the ratings.

Boy, was I wrong. Mea culpa, Mr. President. Mea Culpa.

And you cannot imagine how happy I am to be so wrong. Even if Trump did well on CNN, I assumed this would still be a win for CNN. Well, it wasn’t. Instead, it was a catastrophe for the Hoax Network, which is why, right after the town hall; you could hear the tears of frustration in election meddler Jake Tapper’s voice.

Last night, Trump put the t-r-u-m-p in “triumph.” He showed up with a plan, executed it perfectly, exposed “moderator” Kaitlin “Nurse Rached” Collins* for the mental lightweight she is, and charmed anyone watching who is not a humorless prig missing their “joy” gene.

Collins flew into that town hall on her broom backed by breathless reports of a big, new CNN contract by way of a big, new promotion to CNN’s 9 p.m. slot … and proceeded to lay the biggest egg since Climate Change wiped out the dinosaurs.

Watching Trump reduce Collins to “that’s wrong,” “that’s wrong,” “that’s wrong,” like a learning-disabled mynah bird dipped in bleach, had me rolling on the floor.

Her laughably transparent game plan was to get under the former president’s skin, but it backfired. She looked feckless. He looked cool, calm, prepared, and unflappable. While she heckled and lied, he delivered. While she sputtered like a first wife, he put on the Trump Show. While she stamped her feet, he won over the audience and offered a vision for a future filled with promise and prosperity. He floated over her tripwires like Fred Astaire while she stood there looking like the last sheet on a roll of cheap paper towels.

Trump pulling copies of his time-stamped Tweets to prove Collins a liar was so far beyond ownage, the former president might have violated the Emancipation Proclamation.

Best of all, in an increasingly uptight and fascist culture, Trump made us laugh, and only fools underestimate the power of such things.

It was glorious.

Yes, CNNLOL will win the ratings night, no question. Cuck News firing Tucker Carlson was a bit of affirmative action in that regard, and a ratings win is a victory. The problem for CNN is that this will likely be remembered as a pyrrhic victory, which is defined this way: “a victory that inflicts such a devastating toll on the victor that it is tantamount to defeat. Such a victory negates any true sense of achievement or damages long-term progress.”

This could prove true for two reasons, the second being the most important.

Uno: Wednesday night’s Trump town hall was CNN’s opportunity to capture the eyes of the world and then prove to a world that sees CNN as a left-wing joke that things have changed over there. Instead, CNN proved it is still a dumpster fire of hate, lies, and, above all, the most unappealing group of charmless prigs ever assembled on TV. If the town hall itself didn’t prove that, the indignant CNN roundtable afterward certainly did. Is no one at CNN getting properly laid? The Well-I-Never-ness was turned up to 11. Margaret Dumont would have watched that roundtable and thought, “Why are these people so uptight?”

Simply put, CNN proved that CNN is still CNN, and since everyone other than America’s Woke Nazis despises CNN, the result is this: the whole CNN has changed narrative was exposed as just one more CNN lie.

But here’s where CNN really screwed up…

Dos: CNN is a political outfit, and whether you are a politician, a super PAC, or a lobbying group, the last thing a political outfit can afford is to lose its base of support. Your base is everything, and CNN’s teeny-tiny base is about 450,000 members of the Woke Gestapo and a handful of conservatives who can’t stop hate-watching.

That fact is the real reason last night was a catastrophe for CNN. By handing Trump a forum and allowing Trump to look as good as he did—and he’s never been better—CNN alienated and infuriated its base. Look around. The resentment from the Woke Gestapo is everywhere, and the Woke Gestapo doesn’t forgive.
berryberry's Avatar
After President Trump destroyed Kaitlin Collins, Byron Donalds took on the rest of CNN and destroyed them too.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Listened to this in the car today. Trump did a hell of a job, which is why leftist heads are exploding. Biden could NEVER face the fire like that, he doesn’t have the mental of physical capacity for it.
berryberry's Avatar
Will CNN announce there will be no more live audiences at town halls?

Trump broke CNN