Beyond parody

berryberry's Avatar
This is what the crazy ass leftists have wrought on America

University of Colorado: Assume Everyone Is a Deranged Tranny

“Colorado's top public university says that people should address new acquaintances as transgender until otherwise instructed and that ignoring someone's pronouns is ‘an act of violence.’”

Colorado's top public university says that people should address new acquaintances as transgender until otherwise instructed and that ignoring someone's pronouns is "an act of violence."

"Sometimes people just don't want to share their pronouns and that's fine," says the University of Colorado Boulder's "pronouns" guide. "Usually it's safe to use they/them/theirs unless that person tells you otherwise."

"It is never safe to assume someone's gender and living a life where people will naturally assume the correct pronouns for you is a privilege that not everyone experiences," the guide says.

These are just some of the directions from University of Colorado Boulder's Center for Inclusion and Social Change, which also claims that terms like "ze" and "zir" are legitimate ways to refer to people. Boulder is the flagship University of Colorado campus and also the largest, with more than 36,000 students.
berryberry's Avatar
This is yet another example of the insanity the crazy ass leftists are pushing on America with their deranged tranny agenda
lustylad's Avatar
Less than 1% of the population think they are trannies. That means 99% aren't trannies. Yet students at the U. of Colorado are being told they should address everyone as if they're tranny unless corrected?

So you're supposed to offend 99% of the people you meet in order to avoid the possibility of offending the other 1%?

I don't get it.

In what world does that make even a smidgen of sense?
... It's NOT parody that it's time for students
- and alumni donours - to find another school.

Let's face it - university schoolhouses are 2c a handful
these days... ten-a penny if you're a scholarly fellow.

... No difference much-any with parents pulling their
joeys from "woke" public schools - and sending them
elsewhere with school-choice.

### Salty
berryberry's Avatar
Less than 1% of the population think they are trannies. That means 99% aren't trannies. Yet students at the U. of Colorado are being told they should address everyone as if they're tranny unless corrected?

So you're supposed to offend 99% of the people you meet in order to avoid the possibility of offending the other 1%?

I don't get it.

In what world does that make even a smidgen of sense? Originally Posted by lustylad
Agreed. I would love to see someone here try to make sense of this policy. Why would you want to insult the over 99% of normal Americans in order to cater to the less than 1% who think they are trannys?

Can one of our leftists explain this?