The REAL INSURRECTION began on November 4th, 2016

berryberry's Avatar
The REAL INSURRECTION began on November 4th, 2016 and is still being waged to this day by the FBI, DOJ, CIA, all leftists and some RINOs in congress, and the mainstream media.

Tens of thousands of people should be prosecuted for their role in the largest coup attempt in US history.

This wasnt just a crime committed against Donald J. Trump, but against the people of the United States.

They waged war upon our chosen leader, hamstrung our republic, and attempted to destroy the constitution this nation.

The egregiousness of this offense cannot be overstated.
berryberry's Avatar
Yes the crazy ass leftists and corrupt DOJ, FBI, media, etc. lied about Russia collusion.

Yes the crazy ass leftists and corrupt DOJ, FBI, media, etc. about the Lap Top From Hell.

Yes the crazy ass leftists and corrupt DOJ, FBI, media, etc. lied about 2020 being the “most secure election in history.”

Everything the crazy ass leftists and corrupt DOJ, FBI, media, etc. have done is to take the power away from the American People to keep it for themselves.
berryberry's Avatar
And never forget this

Obama has been behind all this and the discord from the start. His statement “Changing America one day at a time” holds true.

Obama, Biden, Clapper, FBI and Hillary behind this from the start. These are the people colluding to destroy America.

There also controlling for all time with all the future illegal votes.
bambino's Avatar
We are watching the biggest sting operation in the history of the world. As Trump said, he caught them all.
rmg_35's Avatar
All complete and utter bullshit coming from the radical right-wing maga crybabies. The only insurrection happened January 6th. The biggest corruption in the history on the us is from tRump and his feckless cronies and they continue to lie, cry, and bitch. The most amazing thing is that the maga basket of deplorable spew this vomit out on a daily basis. Zero insurrection on Nov. 4th.

Have a great day.
We are watching the biggest sting operation in the history of the world. As Trump said, he caught them all. Originally Posted by bambino

He caught them all? That's hilarious. Apparently he's one of the best con men in the history of the world. It's sad that so many are duped by his utter nonsense.
bambino's Avatar
He caught them all? That's hilarious. Apparently he's one of the best con men in the history of the world. It's sad that so many are duped by his utter nonsense. Originally Posted by 1pittsburgh
You and RMG have been conned.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
You and RMG have been conned. Originally Posted by bambino
They’ve hit peak Orwellian brainwashing. At this point, there’s no hope. Up is down and black is white, there’s no convincing otherwise

— The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command. —
berryberry's Avatar
They’ve hit peak Orwellian brainwashing. At this point, there’s no hope. Up is down and black is white, there’s no convincing otherwise

— The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command. — Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
Indeed. It is sad how leftists can be so ill informed and brainwashed but that is what happens when you have a corrupt media along with a corrupt FBI/DOJ and leftists administration
rmg_35's Avatar
They’ve hit peak Orwellian brainwashing. At this point, there’s no hope. Up is down and black is white, there’s no convincing otherwise

— The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command. — Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
You hit the nail on the head, but you have the wrong group of people. It's the maga crowd that is hopelessly and completely brainwashed. Don't matter how much you post, because all the far-right conspiracy theories are complete and utter bullshit.
You and RMG have been conned. Originally Posted by bambino

Conned by who? I'm not going around repeating people's lies and making predictions that never end up happening. It's been almost two years since your dates about the election came and went with nothing happening.

When you say "he caught them all" specifically who are you referring to, and when will they be convicted of the crimes they've been caught for?
You mean when Comey gave trump the election??
bambino's Avatar
Conned by who? I'm not going around repeating people's lies and making predictions that never end up happening. It's been almost two years since your dates about the election came and went with nothing happening.

When you say "he caught them all" specifically who are you referring to, and when will they be convicted of the crimes they've been caught for? Originally Posted by 1pittsburgh
I’m not spoon feeding you. Besides, you don’t read my links. But I did post a partial list. It’s your responsibility to keep up.
matchingmole's Avatar
We are watching the biggest STD operation in the history of the world. As Trump said, he caught them all. Originally Posted by bambino