Very dissappointed with Hannah Heart!

str529john's Avatar
I have never had to write a negative post in the 3 yrs ive been hobbying.....This is the first time I ve ever been Nc/Ns ed im sure it probably wont be the last..... But long story short sent Hannah refs an screening info that was requested to set an appointment earlier in the week she had agreed to meet but couldnt get me screened before appt. So we cancelled set appt . 2 days later I was screened an set appt. for sat at noon
.....ok great im thinkin all is good lets do this On saturday 1hr before our time to meet she text me an ask if we could meet an hr later ok cool no big hr later she text me again an ask to move it an hr later ok no big deal shortly after im asked to make it later by now im highly frustrated an say no dont worry about it ........Couple hrs later I call her back an ask if she is free on sunday or if monday would be better she say sunday shes free all day cool we set the appt. for noon again I start heading to her area at 11am an trying to call her on the way there no it is 4 hrs later an she is not respondig to any calls or text.......With all that said she as been on the top of my list for quite some an I hate to remove her but thats just plain rude inconsiderate an bad buisness no matter how you look at it!
Mojojo's Avatar
Sorry to hear man

Moved here in case of rebuttal.
str529john's Avatar
Its all good KH took me in last minute an made it all better muliple times!!!!!! WEeeeeeeeee!!!!!!
str529john's Avatar
I just realized the link you posted Mojojo Im not the first shes done it too!
finally a guy NOT douche enough and put a NCNS where it belongs *sigh*
Not to mention a patient guy... after his Saturday ordeal most would have moved on.

I would like to suggest 2-3 things
1) on NCNS's post em in coed area so the lady (or man if he does an NCNS) can respond - but they have to wait 24 hours after the scheduled appointment to post it
2) once a response has been posted, the THREAD IS LOCKED so it does not turn into a he said she said. With the warning that starting a NEW thread about it gets both parties a vacation.

3rd) once the initial post is made the other party has 48 hours to respond... if they are unable to in the 48 hours (they were injured in a car wreck or worse and were not able to get online to post,) then they should PM the person privately who can then let people know that "______ pm'ed me and she got sick and rushed to the hospital etc..... "

main thing is that you are allowed to post about a NCNS but not in the alert section, the other side is allowed to respond then its closed....
Eccie Addict's Avatar
I doubt the board will make rules like that so that our volunteer mods will have to monitor more than what they already do....

It's good suggestions but we as hobbyists and providers are the ones that hold each other accountable not the board...
str529john's Avatar
So let me ask guys are you saying I pulled the trigger here to soon or not???
Most on here would argue either way.. .but giving them 24 hours to respond to calls and or emails to explain is polite... if they do not care, then post. If they get mad you should have in there that you tried to contact them to find out what was up and they gave you nothing.
Eccie Addict's Avatar
So let me ask guys are you saying I pulled the trigger here to soon or not??? Originally Posted by str529john
There is no "rule" for this kind of thing. You handle the situationin whatever way you see is best and be willing to accept the consequences or rewards of your decision. If it was me I would extend the same response I would like to receive if it were me in that was in her shoes.

If you can live with your decision then who cares what others think....

I also feel that if a provider offers to make it up to you and whether you take the offer or not, others should know about it.
str529john's Avatar
See thats the other side of the blade still no offer to make it up an still no call or text.....With her well reviewed reputation of being a Houston legend I figured she would atleast call ....
Dirk182's Avatar
We all have bad days or even bad weeks! I'm not saying what she did was right. I agree that a call/e-mail/text would have been the polite thing to do. She is well reviewed and she is also human. I would have given her a couple of days for a response back and then post something. I'm just giving my two Abes. You do what you feel you have to do.
Just remember that shit happens and plus you still had fun that day! Ha!
str529john's Avatar
No I understand that shit happens an I know sometimes theres things that are out of our control .....Its just the way everything went down seemed kinda f*cked up is all then still not to even give a courtesy call, or text , or even offer to make it right in some way is even worse.......I wasted 3 days of my time trying to see her......Our time as hobbiest is just as important as there time is as Providers ....An all the providers Ive seen an been with they all know Im a real mellow kinda guy ......Im not out to blackball anyone would have just appreciated a lil more common courtesy even after the fact is all an she didnt even have the courtesy of doing that....Like the title says more dissappointed them anything had real high hopes with her written rep here in town.
Eccie Addict's Avatar
I can understand how you feel.

Yes our time is just as valuable as their's is. Be thankful that it wasn't worse. She didn't cost you a work day. Didn't steal from you, cash 'n dash or worse. There is a bright side. Whether she ever calls or not just move on and have some fun
+1 my experience for me too. Didn't feel it was post worthy because it was my first time to see her. I tried to move on but the pics and guys defending her keep pulling me back in. Understanding she has a dY job too I gave her some slack. Hopefully she can get back on track.