I am a filmmaker... and I have a question

I am a filmmaker, and I am working on a film that documents prostitution in the Houston area... what are your thoughts?

I am documenting spas and some willing independent providers. It is not a negative film, but it does expose the profession in this city. I want to know what you think. I am not affiliated with any law enforcement.
I have been involved with the hobby for some time, and I believe that I think I can accurately portray it.
All I have to say is I will not assist you and I doubt many if any here will either.
This reminds me of another guy that was doing the same thing years ago.
Stalion's Avatar
Get a job dude!
oilfieldscum's Avatar
What are you going to do with the film when it's finished?
Exposed, Your approach is going to put a few people off. If you are a true film maker/producer/writer and not just someone who hobbies with a camera, then you have other avenues to approach the subject.

Are you interviewing Vice also as part of this?
Satin's Avatar
  • Satin
  • 03-15-2011, 08:58 AM
Omg, there's prostitution in Houston? WTF!!!
Stalion's Avatar
Hey! if you have a panoramic camera, I have a supersize shlong you can take pics of...but for a fee!!!lol
Out_of_Bounds's Avatar
Whatever your motives are I will in no way aid you and encourage others to do so also. We don't like exposure in this secret little world. And any film that could provide any help to Vice albeit in an indirect manner will not be viewed in a positive light by us. Go to New York or something. That kind of stuff doesn't happen here.
K2S0's Avatar
  • K2S0
  • 03-15-2011, 12:10 PM
what good can come from the documentation and exposure of an underground culture in a society
that is riddled with religious nutcases that fear the exposure of the female breast and genitals more
so than acts of violence?

this is the oldest profession in the world you are talking about... there is no possible way any
"accurate portrayal" is going to change the stance of any mores of this society.

leave it alone
Stalion's Avatar
Tell'm deevad! New york City!!!!....get the rope! lol
Seedy's Avatar
  • Seedy
  • 03-15-2011, 02:04 PM
Whatever your motives are I will in no way aid you and encourage others to do so also. We don't like exposure in this secret little world. And any film that could provide any help to Vice albeit in an indirect manner will not be viewed in a positive light by us. Go to New York or something. That kind of stuff doesn't happen here. Originally Posted by Out_of_Bounds
My opinion is you are probably as wanted, and welcome here as a bad case of hemorriods. LMAO

On a side note; : OOB, I do appreciate the honor you using one of my sayings. But you know I'm fucking wacked in the head.
ImaMrCool's Avatar
Prostitution? I thought this was a site where you buy time? Im always in need of more time.
Don T. Lukbak's Avatar
And my ouvre is performance art involving young hot women and myself in a private setting.

These masterpieces are unique, never to be repeated exactly..or discussed with anyone except the models, who - if worthy - will join the repertory crew.

Hey! You can get away with almost anything (except insulting Islam) if you say you're a damn artist.
notanewbie's Avatar
I figured one of you wise guys were going to say...

I am a douche bag... .and I have a question

thanks for not going there.