question for our wonderful ladies...

With all the posts about LE being more active than normal.... do you see more repeat clients because of the already established bond you have with them from previous sessions?

I thought about this the other day while at work (can't access the site from work else I would have posted then) but we guys have an acronym called TOFTT or Taking One For The Team which is basically someone visiting a new lady or one that no-one else has posted about.

Now my criteria for seeing a new lady is that she has to be some what a regular poster of ads on the usual sites or if she has some reviews I will read them to make the call.
Guest042413's Avatar
I have been just makes things more at ease and less heart and gut wrenching trying to figure out if he is LE or not...
OF COURSE repeat clients are preferred and always feel safer, there are times when (even with screening) I have heard about LE be out and about and I would totally refuse to see ANYONE i hadn't previously met for a week or so or until the static seemed to die down....Security is a big issue and I would think that most providers would ALWAYS prefer to see regulars over newbies for that reason...I mean it's a lot different for the ladies. There should NEVER be a "take one for the team" moment, where my safety or security would be in jeopardy!!! screening and verification is a must ESPECIALLY when times are like you mentioned (with le)
caramelqtee mila's Avatar
Most definitely YES! It's stress inducing everytime you see a new client when the increase in LE activity is rampant. I appreciate my regulars and have a better sense of comfort with them.
1ThickBlond's Avatar
Yes indeed! I truly appreciate my regular guys, even more so during the 'hot spells'. I love answering the phone and hearing a familiar voice on the other end. Now is an especially good time to have regular clients since it seems as if vice is one of the few departments that don't appear to be suffering from budget cuts.
Deffinatley want to stick with regulars right now, things are getting a little scary, And I must admit, I am getting a little tougher on my screening here latley, but hey I like my freedom...
maybe this will benefit someone, i hope. take it for what it is.
i depend on a gut instinct, a strict honor of my own policies, and don't complicate my process. This is what I do for newbies today. One of my policies, is my ever changing rates, that is to help me catch a stutter, when i ask certain questions.. that stutter, usually begins a red flag and more stuttering and i error on the side of caution if so...
over ten years ago, i learned to not complicate, so i don't miss a small detail, like just smiling and not speaking until my hands is on your johnson, then i speak..when we meet ofcourse. and this has paid off, i have had one incident where the man, upon my hand hitting his thigh proceeded to alert me to stop, that he was a officer. and then he continued to speak as if there was a mic on him, and asked me what i intended, and i luckily was not short on words, and answered that i was merely attracted to him and making a pass. and yes, he then let me go. this was last year before i reviewed on eccie,

on a more current note, today i got a call, from "J", and j found my "website" by way of a internet review, and where that review on the internet was, is when the stuttering began. then he inquired to location, and availability, and i replied with " where are you employed" and he was stuttering nonstop by now, and replied the city of houston.
you play with fire, u eventually get burned, ive dropped alot of potential clients due to the heat, and this has to be the hottest its been in tens years since they cleaned up hilcroft(there phrase at that time, i was there )

hence, i am gracefully dancing one last waltz with fate, and i am too cute to wear orange! if you can avoid seeing newbies, i suggest so. and remember for you younger ones, loose lips sink ships. and off duty cops get service too, and you dont want to give any info, i suggest you talk about the weather, and shit, and if possible plausible deny ability ... its a witch hunt, and i am not down for there moral crusades.