Being Ignore by providers

Beach81's Avatar
I beleive that I am being ignored by providers or have been flagged . I have contact some providers and have not receive a reply. I have made appts with some providers and they have canceled or keeping rescheduling.

What's up?
bad luck?.. I know once I had string of these type of instances,

was like 0-8 in a 2 month period,... perhaps its the ladies?? shitty TCB?..
runswithscissors's Avatar
Beach, you may just be on a string of bad luck with scheduling; sometimes it is tough to " get the ducks" all in a row....

Also, you may be suprised that the Ladies on here do thier research also, just like the guys...

Looking at your posting history, you have no reviews of any of the Ladies, just a constant search for a topless Lady to cook breakfast for you; a complaint about visiting providers; a complaint about not finding anyone in the 100 to 150 rate range, etc.

Not saying that is the problem, but just to make you aware that the Ladies do just as much searching as we do to get a "feel" of who they are spending time with...

Hope everthing works out for you; we all run into scheduling difficulties, no call backs, sick, etc. and then sometimes it rains and the planets all align, and you can't decide who to see because everyone is available at the same time!

Good luck to ya; maybe one of the Ladies can give you an honest answer...
sixxbach's Avatar
I would say just post reviews Beach. A P411 account would not hurt either. PM me with some more information and I can give you more insight to help you out....

Britttany_love's Avatar
hey sweetie sorry to hear about all your bad luck. By searching your postings its seems all you keep posting about is for someone to cook breakfast for you. This could be why your having problems..
rrrabbit's Avatar
If I found myself in the position where even a P4P girl won't give me the time of day, I'd have to consider being checked out by a looney doctor.

P.S. Don't get your panties in a bunch just yet, since I'm only joshing.
runswithscissors's Avatar
hey sweetie sorry to hear about all your bad luck. by searching your posting its seems all you keep posting is for someone to cook breakfast for you. This could be why your having problems.. Originally Posted by Britttany_love

Beach, that is the point I was making earlier; the Ladies do research the guys...
Britttany_love's Avatar
One thing you have to also remember is that we are compensated for the time we spend with you. Your asking for someone to come cook for you which will take at least 30 min then you want them to serve you it and then you eat about another 30 minutes so theres an hr there.. Then after your looking for a rubdown which is probably another hour. So you looking at possibly a 2 hour date which would easily run you close to 300 or more. Like RWS mentioned about your posting complaining about rates over 100-150.. for what your seeking you will not find that in that sort of price range. At least in my opinion a girl is not going to spend 2 hours cooking breakfast and what not for 100-150 when she can spend an hr date with someone and make almost double.
sixxbach's Avatar
One thing you have to also remember is that we are compensated for the time we spend with you. Your asking for someone to come cook for you which will take at least 30 min then you want them to serve you it and then you eat about another 30 minutes so theres an hr there.. Then after your looking for a rubdown which is probably another hour. So you looking at possibly a 2 hour date which would easily run you close to 300 or more. Like RWS mentioned about your posting complaining about rates over 100-150.. for what your seeking you will not find that in that sort of price range. At least in my opinion a girl is not going to spend 2 hours cooking breakfast and what not for 100-150 when she can spend an hr date with someone and make almost double. Originally Posted by Britttany_love
Just because he complained about rates over 100-150 does not mean he would not compensate accordingly for the breakfast, etc date. I don't like to go in that range either but I have been around long enough to know what is just compensation if I am desiring more than a BNG or half hour session.

You never know when a girl might spend that 2 hours for 100-150 cooking breakfast. Just because she can make more per hour does not mean she is. Most girls if you believe them, claim to be low volume which usually means there is some down time. Providing he is screened to one's satisfaction, why not cook breakfast for a couple of hours and make something than nothing at all? Maybe he might turn into someone who wants this service once a month or leads to overnights, etc. The best providers might see this as an opportunity more than some....

Britttany_love's Avatar
Im not saying there might not be someone who would. Hes in here talking about being flagged by providers and being ignored and it might be because of his posts or because of what hes asking for. I gave my opinion as to why I think its happening.. this is a p4p site and what he is seeking isnt the norm around here and that he might have better luck on cl or something. I would think that after the same 10+ iso posts that appear to never be responded to that this might not be the place for what he's searching for. I never mentioned that they wouldn't be compensated accordingly, but for most full body rubdowns they are right at the 100-150 range and thats just for the massage.. then he wants someone to cook on top of that which would require compensation. If he had complained previously about not finding anyone in the 100-150 range then that in itself should be enough to tell you that he doesnt want to pay more than that and that hes not finding anyone to help him for that price either. Just my personal opinion.
nuglet's Avatar
I think he might have more luck by posting on chronicle , in the "casual encounter" section. Maybe he's cheap, but he might find some other lonely soul looking for company.
Sarahsmiles's Avatar
I have actually seen Beach81 on several occasions, and he is such a sweetheart. I even did the topless cooking thing for him once...and since I'm not the greatest has been only once.

He has a list already prepared and instructions and is very easy to cook the breakfast part (no bacon involved) prior to the rubdown. He's so sweet and I can vouch for him!

rrrabbit's Avatar
I have actually seen Beach81 on several occasions, and he is such a sweetheart. I even did the topless cooking thing for him once...and since I'm not the greatest has been only once.

He has a list already prepared and instructions and is very easy to cook the breakfast part (no bacon involved) prior to the rubdown. He's so sweet and I can vouch for him!

Originally Posted by Sarahsmiles

Mighty big heart of you to put forth your vouch, despite the nay sayers and the potential liabilities on your part.

I like you already. Bravo !
Get a p411 account,and get Sarah to give you an okay!
guest031812's Avatar
I wont ignore you babe!