Unlike Global Warming, a real menace

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
The earth dodges another bullet according to astronomers. A massive solar flare missed the planet by two weeks which in cosmic terms is pretty close. Such a flare could have caused a major break down of civilization and the tech grid (see EMP). Maybe (and I am not the first to propose this) we should spend our time and money hardening our electrical grid rather than wasting time on a natural function of time and climate. Neither are we close to controlling.

The earth dodges another bullet according to astronomers. A massive solar flare missed the planet by two weeks which in cosmic terms is pretty close. Such a flare could have caused a major break down of civilization and the tech grid (see EMP). Maybe (and I am not the first to propose this) we should spend our time and money hardening our electrical grid rather than wasting time on a natural function of time and climate. Neither are we close to controlling.

http://washingtonexaminer.com/massiv...rticle/2533727 Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Yes, let's spend money on trying to avoid unavoidable cosmic disasters. I can just hear howls of derision from the house republicans if Obama and the democrats proposed spending money on avoiding solar flares. Shit, they won't even agree to repair bridges or spend money on other infrastructure that is crumbling around the country. You've lost your mind.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Actually that is not exactly what I wrote. If you go and study the literature then you will read that the recommendations are that new standards be put in place for new construction and refits. Tax abatements will make it more likely that utilities will spend the money to, over time, harden our electrical grid and make it more flexible. Read about some of the really large blackouts and how some inexpensive changes would have prevented or mitigated them.

To conclude (pay attention) the additional costs would be offset by tax policies and we benefit with a more reliable grid.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
This is the part where you nonsensically quibble about what I meant, even after I just told you what I meant, rather than respond to the problem.

We call this Ms Page number 3.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 08-01-2013, 11:56 AM
Yes, let's spend money on trying to avoid unavoidable cosmic disasters. I can just hear howls of derision from the house republicans if Obama and the democrats proposed spending money on avoiding solar flares. Shit, they won't even agree to repair bridges or spend money on other infrastructure that is crumbling around the country. You've lost your mind. Originally Posted by timpage
These numbnuts will spend Trillions on trying to prevent another 9/11 , yet not a dime on GW. What a bunch of wishy-washy retards.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
These numbnuts will spend Trillions on trying to prevent another 9/11 , yet not a dime on GW. What a bunch of wishy-washy retards. Originally Posted by WTF
WTF, if too much money is spent on infrastructure, your underpaid and benefit free workforce might move on to better jobs, then you might have to pay more. Careful what you wish for, my friend.
Did you make that contribution in Yssup's name?
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
The earth dodges another bullet according to astronomers. A massive solar flare missed the planet by two weeks which in cosmic terms is pretty close. Such a flare could have caused a major break down of civilization and the tech grid (see EMP). Maybe (and I am not the first to propose this) we should spend our time and money hardening our electrical grid rather than wasting time on a natural function of time and climate. Neither are we close to controlling.

http://washingtonexaminer.com/massiv...rticle/2533727 Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Given the choice between wasting money on global warming bullshit, or upgrading the grid, I agree. Let's just make sure the project doesn't line the pockets of the unions.
Actually that is not exactly what I wrote. If you go and study the literature then you will read that the recommendations are that new standards be put in place for new construction and refits. Tax abatements will make it more likely that utilities will spend the money to, over time, harden our electrical grid and make it more flexible. Read about some of the really large blackouts and how some inexpensive changes would have prevented or mitigated them.

To conclude (pay attention) the additional costs would be offset by tax policies and we benefit with a more reliable grid. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Ohhhhhh. Tax cuts are the solution. Of course, I should have known. And, the benevolent energy companies will invest that money in protections against solar flares, asteroid collisions and invaders from Mars.

It somehow seems appropriate to be having this discussion with a person who clearly is from Pluto.
Ohhhhhh. Tax cuts are the solution. Of course, I should have known. And, the benevolent energy companies will invest that money in protections against solar flares, asteroid collisions and invaders from Mars.

It somehow seems appropriate to be having this discussion with a person who clearly is from Pluto. Originally Posted by timpage
In your rush to jump down JD's throat, I think you missed his point.

There actually is something we can do that will kill two birds with one stone.

The electric grid in the US needs to be upgraded. It is old and falling apart. Like much of our infrastructure, it has been neglected.

So, while we undertake to upgrade it, we can simultaneously "harden" it, which basically means shielding the transmission lines and power plants from EMP.

In practice, this means a lot of transmission lines will be put underground in shielded and grounded conduits that block EMP. This not only eliminates the solar flare problem, it also reduces our vulnerability to have our power grid decimated by a single nuclear weapon that is detonated high in the atmosphere over the central US. Such an attach would knock out most of the national grid, will fry much of our electronics, and will take YEARS to repair in some areas.

Rouge nations like NK or Iran don't need hundreds of warheads to devastate us.

Read more here:


So, spending money on improved infrastructure has the benefits of improving reliability, decreasing energy loss in transmission lines, and improving protection from destructive EMP.

It also beats just sending unemployment checks to people that do know work in return.

It is a project that would take decades.