Google Pressure Cookers and Backpacks, Get a Visit from the Feds

BigLouie's Avatar

Surprised no one has said anything about this yet. Parts from the story:

Michele Catalano was looking for information online about pressure cookers. Her husband, in the same time frame, was Googling backpacks. Wednesday morning, six men from a joint terrorism task force showed up at their house to see if they were terrorists. Which begs the question: How'd the government know what they were Googling?

They mentioned that they do this about 100 times a week. And that 99 of those visits turn out to be nothing.

One hundred times a week, groups of six armed men drive to houses in three black SUVs, conducting consented-if-casual searches of the property perhaps in part because of things people looked up online.

But the NSA doesn't collect data on Americans, so this certainly won't happen to you.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 08-01-2013, 05:57 PM
sounds like key words tripped an alert
JCM800's Avatar
looks like someone turned in an employees search history, this appears to have nothing to do with the NSA

Suffolk County Criminal Intelligence Detectives received a tip from a Bay Shore based computer company regarding suspicious computer searches conducted by a recently released employee. The former employee’s computer searches took place on this employee’s workplace computer. On that computer, the employee searched the terms “pressure cooker bombs” and “backpacks.”
After interviewing the company representatives, Suffolk County Police Detectives visited the subject’s home to ask about the suspicious internet searches. The incident was investigated by Suffolk County Police Department’s Criminal Intelligence Detectives and was determined to be non-criminal in nature.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
here's an idea. wire your house with live CCTV, feed it directly to the Internet and Google away!

when the jack boots show up, hold up your tablet and say ..

here's an idea. wire your house with live CCTV, feed it directly to the Internet and Google away!

when the jack boots show up, hold up your tablet and say ..

"Smile, your on UNCONSTITUTIONAL CAMERA" Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid

Who's going to be the first to type those words on here, tonight. I dare someone. Maybe WTF will pay my lawyer bills and I will do it. BUT, I want a $10,000.00 BONUS...LOL
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
you know, i might do that! but first i'd have to wipe my PC of forbidden subject and clean my house of forbidden subject and bury forbidden subject and dispose of forbidden subject!

damn!! This Patriotism shit's a lotta work, isn't it!

here's an idea. wire your house with live CCTV, feed it directly to the Internet and Google away!

when the jack boots show up, hold up your tablet and say ..

"Smile, your on UNCONSTITUTIONAL CAMERA" Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
I like that idea.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
I feel so so so much safer knowing that the government is watching what I am doing and is there to prevent me from doing something wrong even as I am THINKING about it.

Just another step toward the utopia some of us want.
lostincypress's Avatar
I suppose I should anticipate a visit as I googled "pres /// sure...c...o.....o....k....e.. .r" after the Bean Town incident as I had not seen one since I was a small child. I also viewed a few web pages that detailed the construction of a ba ng bo om device using a kit c h e n appliance. This last week my daughter has been looking online at containers that high school kids use to carry books etc. The combination of the two it e m s could point in my direction.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
here's an idea. wire your house with live CCTV, feed it directly to the Internet and Google away!

when the jack boots show up, hold up your tablet and say ..

"Smile, your on UNCONSTITUTIONAL CAMERA" Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
just remember if I or anyone else does try this, ya better lawyer up and possibly even tip the media. make a real circus outta it. for several reasons. it would carry more impact if live media crews appeared during the "interview" to "interview" the "interrogators" .. er "interviewers" lol you might make the evening news!

i wouldn't take it as a joke or a stunt that's for sure. they won't obviously.

in the meantime there's always my suggestion from way back to simply google nonsense search strings just to muck things up! add a few bits of nothing to that big 'ol nasty Big Brother database.

i wonder how long it will be before two things happen, one, hackers get in the NSA's database and start erasing data and another, someone organizes ..

"International Google Search Day" .. see if you can get hundreds if not thousands .. or more .. people to simultaneously search google with those nasty phrases.

note the International part ... as in outside the USA's jurisdiction...